Intrepid Travel Co. Ltd.

Intrepid Travel Co. Ltd.

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澳大利亚Intrepid travel(英特比特)旅游公司简介:


澳大利亚英特比特旅游公司创办于1989年,总部设在澳大利亚,起初是由两位爱好背包旅游的澳大利亚人创建,属于探险旅游公司(Adventure Travel),注重有深 度和原汁原味的旅游,为世界各地的旅行者提供了许多各种各样的旅游方式,探索了世界上最令人向往的地方,沿途发觉了最真实的居民生活,真实的文化和不可思议的人生体验!

目前,总公司共有雇员600多人,提供400多条旅游线路,旅游范围遍及全球90多个地方。我公司一直致立于不走寻常路,通过组织有深度的旅程来让各国游客了 解中国不同的地理和人文文化,注重旅行体验,加深对中国的文化和社会的深入认识!

Intrepid Travel

For travelers with a yearning to get off the beaten track, Intrepid opens up a whole new world. With a huge variety of travel styles available, Intrepid travelers explore the world's most amazing places - discovering real people, real cultures and having incredible real life experiences along the way.
Our Core Purpose:
Our core purpose is to enrich peoples lives by creating unique, interactive travel experiences.
We provide fun, affordable and sustainable travel adventures that are beneficial to local communities.

Our Core Values:
We act with integrity
We are passionate about what we do
We encourage personal growth
We have fun
We are creative and innovative
We believe in sustainable and responsible travel

Our story
Intrepid Travel started in 1989 with a passion to get travelers off the beaten track in Asia. We wanted to share some of the special places we knew and introduce our travelers to different cultures and ways of life.
We wanted to develop a style of travel that was all together different, where as travelers we became a part of country - and not just tourists looking in. We wanted to have fun, meet people, learn things, explore, and do stuff we could never do at home. We wanted to travel by anything and everything, and stay anywhere and everywhere! We wanted to be intrepid!
Today Intrepid has over 600 staff, over 400 different trips, over 90 different destinations and many different styles of travel.

There's more to work than the job you're doing !


  • 北京英特比特旅行社有限公司
  • 2010-12-29
  • 65万澳大利亚元
  • 田华
  • 蚂蚁企业信用 二维码
