武汉光谷金盾大酒店位于东湖新技术开发区的黄金地段,面朝景色秀美的东湖风景区,背倚旖旎的德胜山,毗邻武汉科技会展中心,地处武汉·中国光谷腹地,酒店距离东湖风景区、武昌中心商贸区、光谷中心仅10分钟车程,距离天河国际机场50分钟车程,是您商务会议、旅游休闲的最佳居停之所。武汉光谷金盾大酒店按五星级标准设计建造,总面积达56000平方米,是一座具有漂亮弧线的16层建筑,368间各具特色的湖景、山景客房舒适大气,现代感十足;酒店还拥有两座大型宴会厅、中西餐厅、酒吧/廊、SPA、娱乐(KTV、棋牌)、游泳健身等多种配套设施,是一家豪华舒适、功能完善的五星级会议酒店。Wuhan Optical Valley Kingdom Hotel is located at the golden mile of Donghu New & High-tech Industrial Development Zone.It faces with the beautiful East Lake Scenic Spot, with Desheng Mountain on the other side, and adjacent to Wuhan Science & Technology Convention and Exhibition Center. Centrally located in Wuhan China Optical Valley, the Hotel has only 10 minutes’ drive away from the East Lake Scenic Spot, Wuchang central commercial trading circle and the center of Optical Valley, 50 minutes’ drive away from the Tianhe International Airport. It is really an ideal for both business as well as the leisure travelers. Designed and built in accordance with the standard of five-star hotel, Wuhan Optical Valley Kingdom Hotel covers an area of 56,000 square meters, is a 16 storey building with charming arc and offers 368 lake view or mountain view rooms with different characteristics,providing customers with comfort and spacious mind as well as utterly modern feeling.As a five-star conference hotel, luxury and comfortable, with perfect function,the Hotel also offers various supporting facilities such as two large banqueting halls, Chinese and Western Restaurant, Wine Bar or Lounge, as well as SPA, entertainment (KTV, chess and cards), swimming and fitness facilities.我们诚挚邀请酒店专业人士加入这个充满机遇与挑战的五星级新酒店。武汉光谷金盾大酒店将为您提供优厚的薪酬待遇、和谐的工作环境、广阔的职业发展空间,我们期待着与您同成长,共发展!有意者请亲临酒店人力资源部应聘或通过发电子邮件的方式与我们取得联系.面试时间:每周一至周五08:30-11:00;14:00-17:00面试地点:武汉市洪山区吴家湾特1号人力资源部办公室怎么参加我们的面试:1、 自武昌方向过来的朋友,可乘坐59、10、518路公汽转703、536路到吴家湾站下车回行50米即到;2、 自汉阳方向过来的朋友,可乘坐208、413路公汽转703、536路到吴家湾站下车回行50米即到;3、 自汉口方向过来的朋友,可乘坐703、536路到吴家湾站下车回行50米即到。面试时请携带以下资料:笔、个人简历、一寸照片一张、身份证、相关学历证明原件及复印件联系人:人力资源部联系电话: 027-87887788邮件地址: fred.zhou@whkingdom.com