杭州绿城育华亲亲学校,隶属绿城育华教育集团。2006年立校,办学已近十年。学校为九年制,36个班级,千余名学生,实施小班化教育,学生可寄宿。学校实施现代型学校管理,教学与生活设施先进。执行国家课程,并自主研发“亲亲课程”,以学生发展为本,百余门课程新颖丰富,中外通融,独具特色。“亲亲课堂”尊重学生个性,革新学习方式,将学习的选择权还给学生,分层、走班、选课,关注体验与创新。“亲亲文化”塑学生理性精神、健康人格,倡导学校家庭化,校园氛围融洽和谐有生机,呵护每一位学生成长,为学生的一生幸福奠基。 Hangzhou Greentown Yuhua Qinqin School, affiliated to Greentown Education Group, has been running for nearly 10 years since its foundation in 2006. The school, with 36 classes, offers a small-scale-class education to more than one thousand students in first grade through ninth grade. Students may board at school. With advanced teaching and living facilities, the school implements a modern management mode. Apart from national compulsory courses, the school offers a variety of more than 100 school-based courses with Chinese and foreign distinctive features which focus on students’ individual development. Here in class,students’ individualities are repected, their learning methods are innovatedand their rights to choose are returned. Level-based teaching, class-shiftteaching and selection of courses all focus on students’ experience andcreation. The culture in Qinqin School helps to cultivatestudents’ rational spirits and healthy personalities as well as to promote afamily-based school. The school offers a harmonious and energetic atmospherefor students to grow healthily, which will lay a solid foundation for students’life-long happiness.