上海芷兰文化传播隶属于ADD+ Group广告集团旗下,专门从事线上线下整合品牌营销策划及执行
ADD+ Group广告集团汇聚4A广告设计、公关策划、活动执行与多媒体制作领域各路精英,带来最新颖的策划传播方案及整合营销理念。
ADD+ Group广告集团以品牌创建及推广为核心,配合媒体公关,多媒体互动及数字解决方案,整合市场活动的新概念E-Marketing品牌行销公司。
ADD+ Group广告集团核心成员具有10年创意设计、公关活动策划及执行、线上数字媒体制作推广的经验积累,对品牌整合营销传播理念的融汇贯通,团队由高专业素质的员工及跨文化品牌传播及服务顾问组成。
ADD+ Group广告集团在品牌传播战略管理、市场活动策划执行、公共关系策略管理、政府关系及事务、创意设计、信息及网络技术开发及数字媒体制作领域有着丰富的项目经验。
ADD+ Group广告集团是多家全球500强及世界一流品牌在中国的指定的供应商,我们的客户主要包括:
1、西门子 2、哈曼音响 3、乐视网 4、中化道达尔 5、东方网力 6、巴德医疗 7、美敦力 8、飞利浦等等
Gether all the talented and experienced elites from 4A advertising design, PR strategy, events, and multimedia field, ADD+ Group brings the most innovative and integrated marketing planning strategies and concepts, which give you the most straight forward marketing experiences and the maximized communication results.
ADD+ Group focus on Integrated Brand & Marketing Communication by PR and Event with E-marketing and Digital Solutions.
ADD+ Group business Expertise includes Integrated Communication Strategy and Management, Marketing Event Strategy, Creation and Execution, Public Relations Strategy, Planning & Management, Government Relationship and Affairs, Creative Design
, Info Tech Development and Web Construction, Digital Media Creation.
We are persistent in pursuit of zeal, efficiency, innovation, profession, accuracy and integration.
ADD+ Group has been appointed by many global top 500 and the world first-class brand to work with in China, our clients includes:
1.Siemens 2、HARMAN 3、LeTV 4、Total-Sinochem 5、Netposa 6、BARD 7、Medtronic 8、Philips and others