Julia 是领先的渔具及水上运动碳纤维产品 OEM 供应商,公司成立于 2008 年,专门为业内知名的品牌设计和提供 OEM 产品。公司现有员工200余人,研发工程师50人,产品销往42个国家和地区,通过了ISO9001体系及安全标准化认证,2016年Julia 打造首个采用压缩成型技术制造的碳纤维钓鱼座箱,并被指定为奥运会官方供应商。
Julia is a leading OEM supplier of fishing rod and water sports carbon fiber products. Founded in 2008, the company specializes in designing and providing OEM products for well-known brands in the industry. The company has more than 200 employees and 50 R&D engineers. The products are sold to 42 countries and regions, and have passed ISO9001 system and safety standardization certification. In 2016, Julia created the first carbon fiber fishing seat box manufactured by compression molding technology, and was designated as the official supplier of the Olympic Games.