德国Jean Muller GmbH成立于1897年,公司总部及主要生产基地坐落在德国莱茵河畔的埃特威勒,是一家具有100多年历史的从事生产开关、开关组合柜、配电和能源管理系统的跨国公司。致力于熔断器产品的研发和生产,产品应用领域涉及各类熔断器、熔断器隔离开关及各类电缆分支箱和配电箱箱体。2003年在中国上海设立金米勒Jean Muller GmbH电气有限公司。现由于业务发展需要,招聘所述人员。
website: www.jeanmueller.cn, www.frako.com.cn
Jean Muller GmbH was founded in 1897, the headquarters and main manufacturing facilities have been located in Eltville on Rhine.Our main products include Switch-disconnector-fuse, LV HRC strip-fuseways, Lv HRC strip type fuse-switch-disconnector and so on. Jean Muller Electronic Trading Company Limited was founded in Shanghai, China in 2003. As we are broading our business in China, Talents are welcome to join us.