更新于 11月6日

AR Accountant (Settlement)(013037)

  • 成都双流区
  • 1-3年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人





  • 根据集团的时效性要求,完成每日银行流水处理和数据归档相关工作;
  • 负责保险公司和其他渠道收款的账单核销工作,确保日常银行入账;
  • 确保准确、及时的过账付款,及时核对条目和处理退款;
  • 集中处理未核销款项,定期与保险公司沟通,解决账单核销问题;
  • 参与核销团队流程的0-1搭建,识别持续改进方案的机会,以规范和提高核销团队流程的效率;
  • 辅助主管编写核销流程的相关操作手册(SOP);
  • 领导交办的其他工作。

    • 3-5年工作经验,有账单核销经验和保险医疗背景优先;
    • 从事财务会计相关岗位,有AP\AR\总账流程经验;
    • 有外企1-2年账单核销经验优先;
    • 有参与流程项目或流程优化经验,能独立完成流程SOP梳理
    • 良好的沟通表达能力,逻辑思维清晰
    • 大学本科学历,英语读写能力较好





公司LogoUnited Family Hospitals & Clinics (和睦家医院)
和睦家医疗秉承现代医院管理理念,致力于为来自不同国家和地区的患者提供个性化的,高质量的,以病人为中心的医疗服务。经过多年的发展,和睦家医疗在北京、上海、广州、天津、青岛、杭州、博鳌等地设有医院和诊所,为民众提供个性化的医疗服务。全职医生共426人,来自25个国家或地区,兼职专家团队超过1000人,护理团队1000余人。和睦家从建院之日起,秉承以患者为中心的理念,融合东西方医疗模式落地中国。在多年的发展历程中,和睦家没有放弃过追求极致,我们一直将质量、安全、服务作为首要达成目标。和睦家医疗建立了以全科医疗为中心的医疗服务体系,提供覆盖全生命周期的医疗服务,包括预防保健、诊断、治疗以及康复。这样一个完备的系统,结合严谨的循证医疗实践,先进的管理经验,以及技术和设备上的不断投入,和睦家为病人带来了卓越的效果,为行业同仁设定了医疗服务的高标准。和睦家医疗坚持不懈地追求符合甚至超越高标准的服务和质量,连续六次高分通过了JCI认证。 United Family Healthcare(UFH) is an international hospital and clinic network that provides private, premium healthcare. UFH has led the way in private international healthcare in China. After almost two decades, UFH has established itself with hospitals and clinics in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, Bo’ao and Hangzhou as the provider of choice for those seeking premium, personalized healthcare. There are over 400 full-time doctors from 25 different countries and regions working in UFH. Additionally there are over 1000 part-time experts and over 1000 nurses on the team. From the first day UFH came to be, we have always put patients first, drawing from the best medical models from both east and west. UFH has never veered from its path of continuous quality improvement for the sake of our patients; this includes always putting quality, safety, and service first. With primary care as the core philosophy of our general practice, UFH has built a continuous comprehensive system that starts from preventive care and covers diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. This healthcare system, combined with the employment of a strict medical standard, the adoption of proven medical management techniques, and a willingness to invest in infrastructure and technology, has allowed United Family Healthcare to achieve remarkable results for its patients and set a healthcare delivery standard for others to emulate.