KROHNE Measurement Instrument(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.(KMIC) is one wholly owned company which is invested by KROHNE Germany. KMIC deals with imported products from Europe and America as well as with instruments from the KROHNE joint venture companies in China. The headoffice of KMIC is located in Shanghai and we also have 4 representative offices in China, which are located at Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Shenyang. KROHNE is a successful international Organization with more then 30 companies worldwide. Continuous efforts in Research& Development as well as strong customer orientation are the basis for our leading position in industrial measurement& control. In China we are the market leader in our main product lines with market share over 50%. We are going to enhance our position and our activities on the Chinese market. Now KMIC is about to re-enforce our successful sales and service team.科隆测量仪器(上海)有限公司是德国KROHNE公司在中国投资的负责销售的独资公司,负责在中国及亚洲其他地区经营德国科隆公司在欧洲、美国和中国生产的流量和物位仪器的销售和服务工作。我们的用户我们的产品与服务从数量、质量和服务方面都超出用户的要求和期望。我们使我们的用户对于与我们建立的平等和可靠的合作关系充满信心。我们的员工我们的员工是我们最大的资本。我们重视每个员工的创造力和价值并为他们发挥主观能动性提供有利的环境。我们的独立性我们为有利于经济合作的增长创造充分的条件并且通过经济独立保障公司、用户、员工和股东的经济利益。我们的未来我们处在工业新纪元来临的时代。我们期盼通过调整我们的工艺,现代化的手段和创新的技术适应市场需求的改变。联系方式:地址:上海市桂林路396号1号楼9楼人力资源部邮编:200233Email: