职位概要: Job Summary
The senior associate needs to efficiently and accurately complete the client's payroll report, salary payment and individual income tax filing every month, and has rich experience in social security and provident fund operation, payroll calculation, payroll system operation, and individual income tax monthly filing and annual filing. He/she also need to have excellent communication skills in English and Chinese, the ability to handle client-related matters independently, and the ability to think independently and provide analytical opinions on new projects.
主要职责:Principal Responsibilities:
○ 对不同城市的社保公积金政策比较熟悉,具备社保公积金方面的实际操作经验
Be very familiar with the social security and housing fund policies of different cities and has solid practical experience in social security and housing fund matters.
○ 对劳动法、个人所得税法有基本了解,能够就实务中遇到的问题很快找到相应的法规依据
Have a basic understanding of labor law and individual income tax law and be able to quickly find the corresponding legal basis for related problems encountered in practice.
○ 熟练掌握薪酬计算逻辑,涵盖含税计算逻辑以及不含税计算逻辑,并能够熟练使用Excel进行薪酬计算与个人所得税的计算
Proficient in salary calculation logic, including non-gross up calculation logic and grossed-up calculation logic, and be able to use Excel proficiently to build up salary calculation process and individual income tax calculation process.
○ 能够按时完成每个月的薪酬流程中各个时点的报告,确保计算结果的准确性,以及确保工资发放的准确性
Be able to complete different reports on time at various delivering points in the monthly payroll process, ensure the accuracy of payroll calculations, and ensure the accuracy of salary payments.
○ 熟练使用各类系统:薪酬计算系统、银行端工资支付系统、代扣代缴个税系统以及电子税务局个人所得税年度汇算清缴系统
Proficient in the use of various systems: payroll calculation system, bank salary payment system, individual income tax withholding filing system and electronic tax bureau’s annual tax reconciliation filing system.
○ 能够独立与客户沟通日常工作流程中客户提出的问题,并能够为客户提供合理合规的解决方案
Be able to independently communicate with clients about the problems raised by clients during the daily working process and be able to provide clients with reasonable and compliant solutions.
○ 能够很好的协助经理去处理新客户、新项目的相关工作,能够适应现有专业知识以外的一些工作内容,并很好地确保新客户、新项目的顺利启动
Be able to assist the manager to deal with new clients and new projects, be able to manage some work assignments not covering within the existing professional knowledge, and ensure the smooth start of new customers and new projects.
工作要求 Job Requirements
技能 Skills
Excellent oral and written English communication ability.
Strong soft skill in provision of services to clients.
Excellent ability to solve problems, organize, and to provide service to clients under special circumstances.
Dependable and accurate; with effective problem-solving skills and ability to work as a good team player.
Ability to use MS office, Windows and very good at Excel’s applications in payroll calculation.
教育背景 Educational Background
Degree from a university or above
Specialization in HR or economic background is a plus
经验 Experience
Applicants with more than 2 years’ experience working in a foreign invested enterprise or those with experience of HR work will be preferred
工作关系Working Relations
Maintain good relations between departments to resolve client problems.
Effectively communicate with both internal and external clients.
Develop communication and working relationship with Supervisor.
大连 - 沙河口
安瑞雅信息技术服务(大连)有限公司大连 - 甘井子
安瑞雅信息技术服务(大连)有限公司大连 - 甘井子
智达信科技术股份有限公司大连 - 沙河口
安瑞雅信息技术服务(大连)有限公司大连 - 甘井子