Job Responsibilities
Withinput from the client and relevant internal departments, create drug productdevelopment and production plans, including timelines, milestones anddeliverables
Formcross-functional drug product project teams. Schedule regular project updatemeetings with the client and team, host meetings, record minutes and actions,and follow-up on actions to ensure they are completed on time
Identifyrisks to project plans and coordinate inter-department discussions to mitigaterisks and solve technical and non-technical issues
the progress of projects against their project plans. Assess the impact of anychanges to a plan and communicate to team members
Informthe client of any deviations from the project plan, identified risks andmitigation strategies
Attendweekly Formulation Development update meetings
Attendweekly manufacturing scheduling meetings, ensuring manufacturing timelines arealigned with project plans
Submitdrug product revenue claims upon the completion of contract stages
Attendmonthly drug product revenue forecasting meetings
Education Background& Qualifications
Ideallya Ph.D. and in a chemistry/pharmaceutical sciences discipline
Willconsider a Masters if have relevant PM experience
Must be fluent in English, both verbal and written
北京 - 通州
北京 - 朝阳
北京 - 海淀
北京 - 丰台
北京 - 朝阳
北京 - 朝阳
上智联,你更值3.74亿+ 职场人的选择 780万+ 高新职位精准推荐