The Lenzing Group leads the world market in cellulose fibers and we are one of the most successful companies in the fiber industry.Lenzing is a performance materials company that turns CO2 and sunlight into highly functional, emotional and aesthetic products across the globe. Our products are widely found in fashion world and home industry.The Lenzing Group, with its headquarter at Lenzing Austria, has 7 production sites located in Austria(2), UK, USA, China and Indonesia as well as the offices or branches globally. the company employs approximately 7,000 employees worldLenzing Nanjing Fibers Co., Ltd(LNF)., established in Nanjing in April 2005,We persist on our sCoreTEN Strategy. We pay high attention to employees’ life and safety.We want to satisfy all our stakeholders by working in a safe and sustainable manner according to our be an exciting employer, empowering the people we work reduce the eco-footprint on our generate a profit for an organic growth and for the benefit of our investors.兰精集团是纤维素纤维产品的全球领导者,我们在纤维产业里是最成功的公司之一。兰精是一家生产高性能材料的全球化公司,把二氧化碳和阳光转化成高效能、优美,而且带有情感的产品。产品广泛应用于时尚界和家居行业。兰精集团总部位于奥地利,目前在全球范围内拥有七家分别位于奥地利(2家)、英国、美国、中国南京和印度尼西亚正在运营的生产工厂及覆盖全球的服务和支持办事处。全球员工约7000人。兰精(南京)纤维有限公司成立于2005年,位于南京市六合区瓜埠镇。传承兰精企业精神,兰精(南京)坚持我们兰精的“满分战略”。我们高度重视员工的生命和安全。我们遵照兰精的“企业行为准则”,以安全和可持续的方式工作,让我们所有的利益相关者满意:我们要成为令人振奋的雇主并加强与我们共事的人们的权利;为了我们的地球,我们要减少对生态的负面影响;我们要创造利润,实现组织增长,让投资人得到回报。我们为我们的员工提供:-范围覆盖整个南京市的公司班车(详见所附信息);-免费工作餐和食堂服务;-养老、失业、工伤、医疗、生育五项保险和住房公积金;-补充的商业医疗保险(涵盖员工及其子女),包括因疾病引起的门诊和住院的医疗费用;-规范与持续的公共管理课程和专业技术类培训;-继续教育资助,公司将根据员工的服务年限承担部分个人发展教育费用。