上海毅兴塑胶原料有限公司为香港上市公司毅兴行集团在沪的独资企业,主要从事塑料着色剂产品的生产和销售。公司成立于1995年,工厂位于上海青浦工业园区,总面积超过20000平方米。作为“塑料着色”领域的专家,我们凭借卓越的专业知识和技术,为客户提供一站式塑料服务。我们从产品的选材、配色服务、着色剂生产、后续跟踪,了解每个客户的独特需求,通过共同的合作,为客户带来完美的解决方案,成为其值得信赖的合作伙伴。 Shanghai Ngai Hing Plastic Materials Co., Ltd, concentrating on the production and sales of colorants(master batches, compounding, functional MB), is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Ngai Hing Hong Group, whose shares are traded on the Main Board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Established in 1995, our factory is located in Shanghai Qing Pu Industrial Zone, with a total of 20,000 square meters in area. As the color expert, we offer our clients“one-stop” service. From stuff, color match, production, to post-sales service, we recognize the special need of our clients, offer them wonderful solutions and become their trustful partner.我们的技术专家——为客户开发符合各种标准(ROHS,FDA,EN71-3PART等)和要求的高品质着色剂产品Our expertise——develop high quality colorants in accordance with various standards and requirements(ROHS,FDA,EN71-3PART, etc)我们的测试中心——为客户检测产品的各种性能指标,并提供数据支持Our test lab——advanced apparatus for different test and data support我们的科研中心——为客户带来更适合生产和更具有市场竞争力的产品技术Our R& D center——improved technology dedicated to the better process and competitive product for our clients公司一直重视安全,健康和环保问题。我们严格实施当地法规和企业内部标准,关注员工健康,保护他们避免接触有害物质,节省能源,减少废物和废气排放,保持环境清洁。我们通过不断改进产品设计和工艺流程,和大家一起努力营造一个和谐的绿色家园。We always consider safety, health, and environmental protection as our top priority. We stick to the rules and regulations of local government and company standards, care about the health of employee, protect them from the exposure to harmful substances, save resources, reduce the waste emissions and keep our environment clean. We aim to improve the product and process to create a harmonious world.更多详情,可浏览公司网站www.nhh.com.hkMore information, please check on www.nhh.com.hk