青岛四方庞巴迪铁路运输设备有限公司(简称“BST”)成立于1998年,由中国南车集团四方机车车辆有限责任公司和庞巴迪公司出资组建,是国内首家铁路客车制造业的合资公司。 BST通过技术引进和自主研发,将世界领先的轨道车辆制造技术和管理系统应用于车辆设计、工艺制造、技术支持、项目管理等方面,为铁路用户提供了高质量的铁路客车产品。京沪高档客车、青藏铁路客车和陆续上线运行的电动车组,已得到了用户的认可并引起了社会公众的广泛关注。经过十几年的努力,BST已经成为中国铁路跨越式发展的战略伙伴。其人性化的产品设计,良好的运行品质已代表了国内高档铁路客车的发展趋势。基于高速电动车组项目的需要,BST欢迎铁路、汽车、电气、机械制造以及其他领域的各类优秀人才加入。BST将提供宽阔的个人发展平台,让员工充分展现自己的才华,不断地提升自身价值,并享受与公司共同发展的成果。 Established in 1998, Bombardier Sifang(Qingdao) Transportation Ltd.(abbreviated as BST) is China’s first joint-venture railway cars manufacturer invested by CSR Sifang Rolling Stock Co., Ltd., and Bombardier Inc. Applying world-leading rail equipment manufacturing technology and management system to its car design, method& manufacturing, technology service, and project management, BST provides high quality rail car products for its clients and users by international technology transfer and indigenous innovation. BST’s products include high grade cars, Tibet cars, EMUs. Over more than 10 years, BST has become strategic partner for rapid growth of China’s railway transportation. BST leads high grade car market in China by its user-friendly designing and outstanding operational performance. For our project of high speed EMUs, we welcome professionals with specialties in railway, car, electronics, machinery manufacturing, etc. BST gives our employees opportunities to develop as well as to contribute to our shared success.地址:中国山东省青岛市城阳区锦宏东路86号邮编:266111联系人:许先生电话:0532 8780 5000– 2258传真:0532 8780 3803电子邮件:recruit@bst-transportation.com公司主页:http://www.bst-transportation.com Address: No.86 East Jinhong Rd, Chengyang District, Qingdao, 266111, P.R.C. Contact: Mr. Xu Telephone:+86(532) 8780 5000-2258 Fax:+86(532) 8780 3803 Email: recruit@bst-transportation.com URL: http://www.bst-transportation.com