更新于 12月27日


  • 上海徐汇区
  • 徐家汇
  • 1-3年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人


  • 同事很nice
  • 工作环境好
  • 人际关系好
  • 氛围活跃
  • 管理人性化
  • 交通便利
  • 团队执行强


1. Coordinates and manages delivery of multiple project initiatives to clients.
2. Ensures and delivers overall project quality and timelines on a profitable basis.
3. Ensures ongoing projects process capability and manages any changes required to meet or exceed clients’ expectations.
4. Manage both internal and external resources, as well as cross-functional teams working on the projects.
5. Drive quality and consistency through implementation of best practices. Troubleshoot and investigate any localization issues, and work closely with project team members to resolve the issues that arise between internal stakeholders and partners/suppliers.
6. Train suppliers to ensure the highest quality of user experience for localization content.
7. Work with vendor management team to ensure utilization of the most cost-effective resources to meet client expected quality standards.
8. Build and maintain relationships with key internal and external stakeholders and suppliers to understand localization requirements and implement them in the localization workflows.
9. Manage projects translation assets including contents, translation memories, term base, glossaries, etc.
10. Support business development team communicating with potential clients and collecting localization requirements.

1. Bachelor or higher degree in IT or language/linguistics and 3 years of professional experience in managing projects.
2. Native fluency in Mandarin. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
3. Knowledge of localization processes and/or software development life cycle, quality assurance practices, principles and methodologies.
4. Ability to write project documents in a clear and concise manner and communicate effectively with clients and teams.
5. Work independently, quick-learner, detail-oriented, quality-focused, and proactive.
6. Strong interpersonal skills to support cross-functional and remote team collaboration.
7. Experience managing translation memories, glossaries, style guides, and using CAT tools will be highly valued.
8. Game player and passionate about games. Knowledge of game industry and development cycle is preferred.
9. Experience in Game localization and audio recording projects is a plus.





公司简介:Lionbridge(www.lionbridge.com),翻译、本地化、开发和测试解决方案提供商,自2014年至今连续多年上榜福布斯美国值得信赖的100家企业,2013至2017年连续五年被全球权威调查机构Common Sense Advisory(CSA)评为“全球语言服务企业100强”,2018和2019年上榜福布斯”America's Best Employers”.Lionbridge于1996年成立,总部位于美国马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆市,在全球 23个国家和地区设有 42个业务中心,聘用了5900名全球员工。中国作为Lionbridge全球五大交付中心之一,目前已经在北京、济南、上海、香港、台北设立了分公司,拥有700人的专业人才和行业专家队伍,为全球超过2000家客户/品牌提供完整的语言、内容管理、软件开发、测试等一整套解决方案。服务的行业覆盖IT、人工智能、游戏、生命科学、制造业、法律、金融、旅游业等领域。Lionbridge在大中华区:北京分公司:北京莱博智环球科技有限公司地址:北京市朝阳区广顺北大街33号福泰中心11-12层济南分公司:亿帆环球科技(济南)有限公司地址:山东省济南市高新区齐鲁软件园B座4层上海分公司:瑞之尚翻译服务(上海)有限公司地址:上海市徐汇区漕溪北路333号11层1106室香港分公司: Lionbridge Technologies Hong Kong Limited地址:香港湾仔告士打道56号东亚银行港湾中心1402室台北分公司:莱博智科技股份有限公司台湾分公司地址:台北市信义区忠孝东路五段508号15层在Lionbridge,您将有机会与全球来自各种文化背景的团队成员密切协作,专业的知识与技术将丰富您的职业技能与前景。外企的工作模式和思维方式将带给您多元的工作挑战和乐趣。同时,我们还为您提供:完善的入职培训和系统的业务、管理及语言培训公平公开的晋升机制外派出国工作、培训机会有竞争力的薪酬体系五险一金弹性工作时间,双休,法定节假日及7-22天额外带薪年假、生日假和义工假工作之余寓教于乐的文体活动无微不至的员工关怀:员工补充医疗保险、配偶或子女医疗、意外险、健康体检、传统节日福利、团队活动、哺乳室、生日会等。