平量行有限公司由其创始人梁筱棠先生于1986年6月9日注册成立,是香港第一家华资英国特许保险理赔公司。主要业务是为保险当事人提供各种保险理赔咨询服务,分为6大险种:财产险、责任险、现金险、建工险、水险和风险管理。随着公司不断发展壮大,梁筱棠先生于2002年在上海建立了中国的站点-平量行保险公估(上海)有限公司,它是平量行有限公司全控股子公司,也是首家获得中国保险监督管理委员会批准经营的外资保险公估公司(其前身是1996年经上海浦东新区外资委批准,在上海浦东注册成立的平量行顾问(上海)有限公司)。在上海、广州、深圳、北京、南京、福州、苏州、成都和武汉设有分公司。公司从事全国性保险公估业务,业务范围为保险标的承保前的检验、估价及风险评估;对保险标的出险后的查勘、检验、估损及理算,以及中国保监委批准的其他业务。 Pierre Leong& Co., Ltd. was incorporated on 9th June 1986 by its founder, Mr. Pierre T. T. Leong. The Company became the first chartered member of the loss adjusting profession(wholly owned by Chinese) being established in Hong Kong and providing adjusting services on various fields of insurance. The scope of our services includes six areas namely, Property, Contractor and Erection All Risks, Machinery All Risks, Liability, Pecuniary, Marine and Risk Management. Over time, the Company grew and established Pierre Leong Adjusters(Shanghai) Co., Ltd, a reputable standing in Shanghai in 2002. This operation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pierre Leong and Co Ltd and was the first CIRC licensed loss adjuster in Mainland with 100% ownership held outside China. Its precursor, Pierre Leong Consultants(Shanghai) Co., Ltd, was authorized by the Shanghai Pudong New Developed Area Overseas Investment Committee, registered and established in Shanghai Pudong in 1996. Currently, seven fully licensed and representation offices have been established in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen,Beijing, Nanjing, Fuzhou, Suzhou,Chengdu and Wuhan. In addition. The company undertakes adjusting services on various fields of insurance over the whole country. Services of the company are divided into three divisions, namely, inspection, assessmentandriskevaluationtotheinsuredpropertybeforeinsurance; investigation, checkout, appraisement andadjustmenttothe insuredproperty afterincidents; andother servicesapproved by ChinaInsurance RegulatoryCommission.