首科电子是一家专业电子组件营销和分销的公司。我们的产品线有不同种类,从无源组件到半导体,它们都广泛应用于通信市场,计算机市场以及消费和工业市场。总部设在香港,在上海、北京、厦门、重庆各有一个办事处。为了赶上我们快速的业务增长,我们需要具有高才干和良好素质的人才,致力于和我们一起成长。公司福利:1、公司实行五天8小时工作制(双休);2、公司为每位员工购买社会保险和住房公积金(试用期内开始购买);3、公司员工均享有法定节假日及带薪年假等国家规定其他带薪假期;4、公司员工均享有绩效奖金、年底双薪;5、公司定期为员工组织免费体检;6、公司定期组织员工国内外旅游,7、为丰富员工工作生活,公司不定期组织员工拓展活动及春节晚会详情请见:www.chief-tech.comChief Tech is a professional electronics components marketing and distribution company for China and Hong Kong. Our product lines vary from passive components to semiconductors that are widely used in the Communication, Computer, Consumer and Industrial markets. Headquartered in Hong Kong, we have six branches in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Nanjing, Xiamen, Dongguan and Beijing.To cope with rapid business growth, we would need high caliber and well-qualified people who will be committed to grow with us.Attractive remuneration package will be offered to the right candidates with the following fringe benefits:1. 5 working-day and extra annual leave2. Comprehensive legal and medical insurance coverage3. Training opportunity4. Car plan for Sales and Marketing personsPlease send full resume, existing and expected salary to recruitsz@chief-tech.com* Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.