SK集团是韩国三大企业集团之一,以能源化工、信息通信为两大主力产业,2009年全球500强位居第72位。目前,SK在全球40多个国家和地区拥有3万多名员工,250多个办事处和子公司。2008年销售额达到955亿美元。SK能源是SK集团的核心企业之一,也是韩国最大的综合能源化工企业;SK电讯是韩国最大的移动通信运营商,在韩国市场占有率达到50%以上,在第三代通讯技术WCDMA领域拥有多项成熟的应用经验与技术。2009年SK集团在北京市中心的长安街购买了独栋42层商业大楼并命名为SK大厦,从此开始了中国事业的新篇章!SK C&C作为集团的子公司是SK集团内唯一经营IT类业务的公司,为集团其他公司的业务提供IT支持与服务;同时SK C&C是在韩国第一个提出IT外包业务的公司。SK C&C 2007年来到北京中关村。自创立至今,公司业务规模和人员规模发展迅速;目前公司制定了宏伟的发展目标并持续向着既定目标前进。SK C&C重视人才培养和发展,积极营造和谐友好的工作气氛。在薪资福利、出国培训、职位晋升等全方位发展方面将为您提供广阔的空间!如果你胸怀梦想、才华横溢,请加入我们吧,让我们的舞台成为你人生的新起点,让我们的事业为你的梦想插上翅膀! SK C&C Systems SK Group is the third largest group corporation in Korea, with 53 sub-companies distributed in Telecom, Energy& Chemicals, Engineering, Manufacturing, Finance, ERP, CRM and other businesses. The revenue of SK Group in 2005 exceeded$60.2 billion, which was next to LG and Samsung. SK C&C is a private company of the SK Group, in charge of IT development of the whole group. SK C&C has more than 2,000 employees and revenue of$1.002 billion in 2005. SK C&C has branch companies and offices in India and Mongolia, and was the first IT company that passed CMMI level 4 in Korea. SK C&C Systems Global Delivery Center was founded in Zpark Beijing on Apr 17, 2007, in charge of all SK Group projects related to China and part of the overseas IT projects. SK C&C Systems Global Delivery Center plans to grow 30% yearly by doing SK Group projects first, then transfer the advanced business knowledge to China and serve Telecom, Energy, Chemicals and other industries in China. In the future, SK C&C Systems Global Delivery Center will carry out IT project from all over the world and grow into the leading IT consulting and service company. SK相关网站SK集团: C&C: