更新于 3月14日

Tax Specialist

  • 广州
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 全职
  • 招1人



Tax Compliance & Tax Reporting
* Execute external tax compliance and reporting for the dedicated CBUs in China, including recuring tax filing and tax operational tasks, tax preferential treatment application, etc.
* Execute internal tax reporting, forecast and analysis, as well as tax provision for the dedicated CBUs in China

Transfer Pricing (TP) Reporting and Planning
* Manage routine TP documentation for the dedicated CBUs in China
* Support the TP review based on the global schedule for the dedicated CBUs; support other TP work based on instructions

Tax Planning and Projects
* Provide day-to-day tax advisory to the dedicated CBUs
* Support the tax planning projects and tax risks management for the dedicated CBUs
* Support and coordinate in simple cross-function projects

Relationship with Authorities
* Support in dealing with tax audits and tax defenses for the dedicated CBUs

Internal Control / Learning
* Prepare SOPs/WIs to document tax positions and work processes.
* Execute the internal control procedures in tax function and provide documents for DanGo


* Bachelor degree, preferably with finance, accounting, tax, law major
* At least 3-years dedicated experience in tax area; big 4 experience is a must
* Good knowledge of MS office; Good command of English in reading and writing; SAP knowledge is a plus. CPA or CTA is a plus
* Self-motivated with passion, able to deliver consistent results under pressure
* Fast learner and committed to excellence
* Good communication and interpersonal skills, open-minded, high integrity and discipline
* Good governance and control mindset





达能集团,总部设立于法国巴黎,全球拥有近7万5千名员工,是世界著名的食品和饮料集团之一。达能集团历史悠久,规模强大,位列世界500强,业务遍及全世界120多个国家。鲜乳制品、饮用水、婴儿营养和医疗营养作为达能的四大主要产品,在全球市场销量排名均名列前茅。达能集团自80年代末,将其投资眼光着力于中国市场,自此,中国成为达能集团发展策略中极为重要的市场。随着达能在中国投资设厂,并广泛开展其生产和业务,目前达能集团在中国的业务主要包括酸奶、饮料、婴儿食品及医疗营养等,其从事相关产品的生产,其产品除本销外,还出口到世界各国。中国,作为目前亚太地区商业活动的中心,近年来随着中国经济的飞速发展,中国市场业务迅速膨胀,销售额不断迅速增长,因此,达能于2006年4月将亚太地区总部迁至上海,建立达能亚太(上海)管理有限公司,希望通过建立更贴近中国的管理机构,进一步加大对中国市场的发展。达能亚太(上海)管理有限公司,作为达能集团的区域管理中心,主要由区域功能部门,如财务、人力资源、采购和市场等部门组成,并主要承担核心管理和领导的职能。在达能,我们相信,创建包容性和多元化的团队是我们未来的核心之一。所有符合条件的申请人都将得到平等的对待,我们不以应聘人员的年龄、种族、民族、肤色、宗教信仰、国籍、性别、性取向、退伍军人身份、遗传信息或残疾状况等作为是否招聘的依据。加入达能亚太(上海)管理有限公司,更多机会与挑战!The Danone Group, headquartered in Paris France, employs nearly 75,000 people worldwide in more than 120 countries. With outstanding brands in Fresh Dairy, Waters, Baby Nutrition and Medical Nutrition as well as being the world market leader in fresh dairy products, Danone is one of the fastest moving consumer goods company in the world.Danone has invested in China since 1980s and has in the last 20 years become the growth focus and strategic development country of the Group. Today, Danone is operational in its 4 main products line in China, and has obtained market leading positions in each of the categories.With the rapid growth in China market, the Danone Group has recently relocated its regional headquarter to Shanghai. This brings proximity of the Group’s strategic development and much enthusiasm to our China operations.As the regional headquarter for Asia-Pacific, Danone Asia-Pacific Management Co., Ltd., has many key, challenging opportunities in functions such as Finance, HR, Purchasing and Marketing.At Danone, we believe that creating inclusive and diverse teams is at the heart of our future. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, veteran status, genetic characteristic, or disability status.Join Danone today to