

  • 北京顺义区
  • 5-10年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人


  • 工作环境好
  • 免费班车
  • 同事很nice




1. Initiate product developments: investigate new ideas, prepare evaluation report / start papers, compile customer requirements, create business plan and develop marketing concept.启动产品开发项目:调查研究新的概念,准备评估报告,梳理客户要求,制定业务计划和市场定位。

2. Seeking new market opportunities within the company’s distinctive competence在公司的能力范围内寻求新的市场机会。

3. Analyzing product performance and sales figures.分析产品市场表现和销售数据。

4. Maintaining the product family roadmap.维护产品系列路线图。

5. Competitive analysis.竞争分析。

6. Monitoring the implementation of product projects.监控产品项目的实施计划。

7. Initiate and contribute to product launch activities. Propose communication strategy. Anticipate and realize communication interface with rest of group (Sales, Marketing, etc.).Positioning the product for markets and all buyers.启动并参与产品发布活动。 提出产品的沟通策略,作为与集团其他部门(销售,市场营销等)的沟通接口,确定产品定位。

8. Creating standard presentations, sales tools and pre-sales documents.创建标准的产品销售工具和产品售前支持文档。

9. Drive benchmarking studies to identify market opportunities, gather competitor intelligence.推动竞品分析和研究,收集竞争对手情报。

10. Product lifecycle follow up (KPI reporting, analyze gaps to initial targets, propose evolution of product positioning on market, follow up product performance).产品生命周期跟进(KPI报告,分析与初始目标的差距,提出产品改进计划,跟进产品表现)。


1. Degree in Engineering / Business / Marketing.工程/商业/市场营销学位。

2. 3 years’ experience in e.g. development of technical products, technical Marketing or comparable functions.3年以上相关工作经验,产品开发,技术营销或类似经历。

3. Knowledge of pump industry and experience of B2B business background is a plus.有B2B行业经验者或水泵行业优先。

4. Significant working experience in multi-cultural environment.在跨文化环境中的工作经验。

Language: communication in English and local language.语言:英语和中文。






威乐公司(WILO SE)的总部位于德国的多特蒙德,产品主要用于供热、制冷和空调技术以及供水和污水处理等领域。公司由Louis Opländer于1872年成立,当时只是一家铜和黄铜制品厂。历经140年的积淀,目前威乐公司在全球拥有约60多家子公司,全球业务遍及70多个国家,雇员人数超过7500人。2012年威乐公司的营业额约12亿欧元。作为WILO SE在全球的重要分支机构,威乐(中国)水泵系统有限公司成立于2000年。历经10多年的发展,目前威乐(中国)已由最初的一个办事处发展到14家分公司,销售网络覆盖到全国的重点省份和地区,其雇员人数也由10余人发展到600多人。在多位暖通空调等专业的博士率队之下,威乐(中国)的专业团队以研发和推广适合中国用户需求的产品和解决方案为己任,迄今为止,威乐(中国)的产品和服务已深深植根于暖通空调、制冷、污水处理、供水设备等多个应用领域。放眼未来,威乐(中国)将以更大的热情与广大新老客户共同成长,并竭诚提供服务。 WILO SE was founded in 1872 with headquarter in Dortmund, Germany. WILO SE is one of the leading manufacturers of pumps and pump systems for heating, cooling and air-conditioning, for water supply and drainage and sewage. WILO SE is represented by almost 60 subsidiaries all over the world and employees more than 7,500 people worldwide. Turnover amounted to 12 billion Euros in 2012. WILO CHINA Ltd. was founded in 2000 as an important subsidiary of WILO SE worldwide. At present, there are 14 branches in WILO China with over 600 employees. Led by several HVAC Doctors, a professional team of WILO CHINA devotes to developing and promoting the products and solutions that can meet the local requirements of Chinese customers. Hereunto, WILO CHINA has rooted its products and services in diverse applications, such as heating, air conditioning, refrigerating, sewerage treatment, water supply equipments, etc.