1-作为诺维中国的项目经理,负责诺维中国的项目开发的整体工作; Representative of the Program Manager for dedicated Programms at Novem China;
2-作为项目联系人,在项目前期(项目移交到工厂之前)能够及时准确的了解客户的需求及项目变更信息;Local contact person for customer requests on project belongings as well as change reqests in a early project phase (before project handover to plant);
3-作为在项目开发过程中关键协调人,就项目事宜与项目相关团队进行很好的沟通协调;It is the key role to develop the project and leading the coordination and communication wiht the local team and global team;
4-根据诺维中国PEP 规则,支持项目程序的实施和遵守; Support for implementation and compiance of the procedures according PEP at Novem China;
5-根据项目规划,执行和支持项目启动、项目跟踪及项目结果;Execution and support of project kick-off, project tracking and project conclusion according PEP;
6-确保所有的项目标准和流程符合客户要求,包括相关文件及沟通;Assurance of compliance with all standards and processes described in PEP, including documentation and communication;
7-支持项目转移和爬坡阶段差异分析和问题解决,协助本地TPM和PM 团队项目目标达成(良率/报废率/返工率),直到项目顺利移交; Support on deviation analysis during series preparation and ramp-up phase, as well as target achievement (contribution, scrap rate/rework) for TPM-, and PM Team until project handover on TPM according PEP.
8-与客户端/供应商端及公司内部就项目事宜进行必要的沟通(包括相关会议/报告/知识转移/绩效评估);Support „necessary“ project communication with customer, supplier and internal (meetings, reporting, knowledge transfer, team meetings, performance reviews);
9-与客户团队合作开发新项目;Collaboration on new project acquisition within customer teams/ KAM;
1-具有良好的汽车行业项目管理经验, 善于沟通并掌握客户需求;Must project experience and skill from automobile industry;Strong understanding of formal project management methodologies;
2-良好的团队领导力,能够按照项目时间节点完成相应工作;Proven experience in team leading;Able to complete projects in a timely manner;
3-良好的预算管控经验;Budget management experience;
4-良好的表达沟通能力,人际关系和领导能力; Excellent communication, interpersonal and leadership skills;
5-本科及以上相关专业学历要求;A bachelor’s degree or master degree in a related field;
6-良好英文沟通能力;Good command in English ;
7-熟练使用office 办公软件;Good computer skills in MS Office;
8-具备组织国外项目的经验;Must experience in the global project team;
9-良好的决策能力;Good decision making;
10-能够根据工作需要安排出差事宜;Be flexible and available for the business travel as needed;
天津 - 宝坻
允公智慧能源管理(天津)有限公司天津 - 东丽
北京飞安航空科技有限公司天津分公司天津 - 和平
东华医为科技有限公司天津 - 滨海新区
北京青禾晶元半导体科技有限责任公司天津 - 东丽
长春派格汽车塑料技术有限公司天津 - 东丽