更新于 2月11日

全栈(Python 和 Django,银行外企,要求粤语+英语)

  • 广州天河区
  • 3-5年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人




理想的候选人应在前端和后端开发方面具有深厚的背景,后端侧重于 Django,前端侧重于现代 JavaScript 框架。作为一名全栈 Django 开发人员,您将负责开发和维护网络应用程序,确保高性能和响应速度。

- 拥有全栈开发人员或类似职位的丰富经验

- 精通 Python 和 Django

- 拥有 HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 和现代 JavaScript 框架(如 React、Vue.js、Angular)等前端技术的经验

- 熟悉数据库系统(如 PostgreSQL、MySQL)和 ORM(如 Django ORM)

- 具有 RESTful API 和异步请求处理经验

- 熟悉现代前端构建管道和工具

- 精通代码版本管理工具,如 Git

- 出色的问题解决能力和对细节的关注

- 较强的沟通和团队协作能力

- 在中国,要求会说广东话,普通话更佳。

Job Description

The ideal candidate will have a strong background in both front-end and back-end development, with a focus on Django for the back-end and modern JavaScript frameworks for the front-end. As a Full Stack Django Developer, you will be responsible for developing and maintaining web applications, ensuring high performance and responsiveness.

• Proven experience as a Full Stack Developer or similar role

• Strong proficiency in Python and Django

• Experience with front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and modern JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Vue.js, Angular)

• Familiarity with database systems (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL) and ORM (e.g., Django ORM)

• Experience with RESTful APIs and asynchronous request handling

• Knowledge of modern front-end build pipelines and tools

• Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git

• Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail

• Strong communication and teamwork skills

• For the role in China, native speaking in Cantonese is required, Mandarin is a plus.





迈思信息技术有限公司(MaesInfo)是一家布局全球的专业软件产品及软件开发服务公司,在美国硅谷,匹兹堡,欧共体以及中国的多个城市都拥有自己的分公司,研发中心或外包业务中心。公司主要提供IT外包(ITO),商业流程外包(BPO),智能化解决方案,为客户提供高效率,高质量及高可预期性的服务。作为外包服务主要提供商,我们拥有专业的市场分析员,系统架构师,技术顾问,界面设计师,软件工程师,数据库管理工程师及质量管理工程师。我们提供基于面向服务架构(SOA)的企业信息系统服务,及具有创造性的用户界面设计,电子商务软件开发和事务流程自动化等快速优质的软件外包和离岸开发服务。我们的客户遍布于制造、金融服务、医疗、零售等行业,其中包括有世界排名前500强的高科技企业。并且在北美、日本建立了广泛的外包渠道,在业界有着突出的成绩。在中国,我们最大的外包研发中心建立在西部外包业务的福地四川成都,这里孕育着大批优秀的软件专业人才。在江苏常州,我们建立了面向华东地区的软件研发及外包业务中心,其中常州的软件研发项目入选当地领军型海归人才项目,并获得海归领军型人才项目专项资助。与此同时,常州的外包业务中心开始承接海外外包项目,特别是在美国的全球500强企业的离岸外包业务。在深圳及西安,我们正在建设地区性软件研发及外包业务中心,面向地区市场,并承揽海外业务。此外,在美国硅谷,欧共体及卡尔加里我们都拥有自己的分公司,这使得我们的全球客户服务具备地理位置上的绝对优势。 MaesInfo is a leading provider of professional outsourcing service with a Global Development Center in Chengdu,China and as well as PM offices in the USA and Canada.MaesInfo engages in IT Outsourcing(ITO)and R&D while also developing its software products.MaesInfo's goal is to become China's IBM and we strive to be the leader of China's IT Outsourcing industry.Our Global Software Development Center is located in Chengdu,China and offers a hotbed for nurturing the talent to develop and deploy the world's highest-quality software.With branches in Beijing, Silicon Valley and Calgary,we're well positioned to serve our customers globally around the clock.We offer a disciplined approach to offshore outsourcing for companies all over the world.Our high-quality and low-cost operating model allow us to pass on more than 50% cost savings to our clients while continuing to improve our productivity and predictability.As a leading provider for Enterprise Information Systems based on Service Oriented Architecture(SOA),we stand out with an impressive track record across various industries all over the USA and Japan.Our top-notch team includes Business Analysts,Architects,Process Consultants,Interface Designers,Software Engineers,DBA and QA/QC Engineers etc.欢迎浏览公司网站:http://www.maesinfo.com; http://www.maesinfo.cn