This position is an exciting opportunity for the right person to become a vital part of our executive management team. The Executive Assistant will be responsible for: • Providing professional, high-level secretarial support to the CEO; including translation, diary management, coordination of requests for information, collating responses and drafting communications, preparing documentation, meeting coordination and support, and general administrative support. • Ensuring efficient and professional administrative support service in accordance with company policies. • Prioritising work and exercising discretion within established policies, guidelines and procedures. To be successful in this role You'll need excellent communication and interpersonal skills, strong attention to detail and a proven ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment. You'll also possess the following qualities and attributes: • Excellent English • Strong capabilities in translation • Good Tertiary education background • Experience in similar roles, able to multitask in a fast paced environment • Excellent customer service and ability to negotiate and engage with key internal and external stakeholders. • Effective organisational skills • Professional and compassionate manner • Strong computer, documentation and typing skills with sound IT literacy • Demonstrated superior verbal communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to consult, negotiate and engage with key internal and external stakeholders What we offer • Centrally-located role in Guomao CBD • Professional and friendly environment • Competitive salary and working conditions
White Peak是一家以不动产投资为核心的房地产公司,目前主要着眼于山东省及环渤海区域二三线城市的商业零售、写字楼和住宅项目开发、管理及维护。我们邀请到来自英国、德国、美国和新加坡的多位经验丰富的顶尖设计师加盟项目团队,借以将国际一线的建筑设计和生活品质引入中国大北方区,我们追求卓越品质,注重科技与价值,为客户提供物超所值的产品。我们清楚我们的目标、我们的宗旨、我们的信仰,并且我们始终恪守这一切。我们深信建筑、居所和家庭能够为人们带来切实的快乐。这种信念激励我们不断的去打造卓越的零售地产、写字楼以及布局良好、功能健全的住宅社区。随着新项目的不断开展,我们愿意且不惧挑战现状,创新突破。你问我为什么?答案很简单:因为充满灵感的办公空间可激发创意、提升工作表现;宽敞舒适、布局合理的购物环境能优化消费体验,让人们尽享疯狂购物的乐趣;一个充满爱的社区能为居住在这里的每个家庭注入爱的因子,而有爱的家庭往往也是充满欢乐的家庭……这就是为什么我们要不断地从欧洲的成熟项目汲取成功经验。我们清楚地知道成熟完善的社区配套对于居住体验来说有多重要。对于每一个新社区,我们都要确保社区或周边配备餐馆、咖啡厅、银行、影院、面包房、购物场所、幼儿园,以及有效的垃圾清理服务和其他日常生活所需的便民设施。有了这一切后,人们才有可能尽情享受他们愉悦的生活。我们坚信,深思熟虑精心规划的社区可提升人们的生活品质与幸福指数,让所有人在幸福状态中快乐工作、快乐生活。如果您也分享此共同的价值观,我们愿意与您并肩前行。这就是我们乐此不疲的原因,这就是White Peak的处世之道。