1. 熟悉并能分析家纺面料,及成品规格。Known well about fabric and textile product
2. 有丰富的家纺面料及成品工厂资源。Have resources of fabric and finished product factory
3. 其它家纺新产品/新面料的搜索及开发。Develop and source new fabric new product
4. 能与外商直接英文沟通,关于开发及定单操作的细节。能与客户协商、谈判,确立合同项目。包括所购产品的价格、数量、规格、颜色,品牌及其他要求;contact client in English ,capable of setting contract, and follow up details
5. 合同的执行向工厂下达生产定单 对定单生产情况进行跟踪,并告知客户生产进度和交货时间。Follow up bulk production
1.年龄25-39岁,良好的职业形象;专科或以上学历; age:25-39, colleague degree and above
2.良好的英语听、说、写能力,专业不限(外贸,纺织类专业优先考虑); fluent English communication with regard to writing, speaking, major in foreign trade/textile have priority
3.三年以上外贸行业工作经验; at least 3 working experience
4.具有极强的工作责任感、坚韧不拔的毅力和耐心,团队精神; team work and capable of carry heavy pressure