更新于 12月10日


  • 上海黄浦区
  • 5-10年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人


Position Overview

Our SAP Implementation PP/QM Functional Consultant will lead others through the implementation of SAP. Duties include but may not be limited to:

· Educate local teams on SAP Production Planning/Quality Management functionality, and SAP, in general

· Refine the Plan to Manufacture process scope, identifying any gaps when necessary

· Design and prototype SAP PP/QM functionality facilitating key decision discussions in terms of functionality use

· Perform system demonstrations designed to showcase the existing standard SAP functionality and secure buy-in from customers, while identifying any gaps, and/or requirements

· Translate local business requirements into related configuration requirements and perform system set-ups in SAP to meet customer requirements

· Identify any Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements, Forms, Workflows and/or any other development objects necessary to bridge requirements with SAP functionality through the creation of Functional Specification documentation. Interface effectively with developers to translate Functional Specification documentation into Technical Specifications and the development of technical designs

· Identify local security requirements and work with Security staff on the creation of security profiles necessary to support local needs

· Perform field and value mappings associated with data conversion efforts

· Perform demonstrations of the updated system, post build (Configuration and Development) activities to showcase the incorporation and validate localization requirements

· Provide support and subject matter expertise during the execution of testing activities and resolve any specific issues identified during testing

· Work on the development training materials incorporating requirements and deliver end user training or train the trainer workshops according to the training plans/schedules

· Provide subject matter expert support during cutover and go-live activities and perform tasks assigned as part of cutover plan and schedules

· Provide support post go-live and resolve post go-live issues

Job Requirements

· Required Experience

o Requires 8+ years of experience in SAP design, prototyping, configuration/build, and testing activities, specifically in Plan to Manufacture SAP PP/QM processes

o Multiple (over 4) SAP implementation full life-cycle experience

o Data Migration Experience

o Project Management and Team Leadership experience

· Education and Certifications

o Undergraduate degree or equivalent combination of education and work experience

· Skills

o Solid knowledge of system development methodology, project management and system architecture. Preferably involving the implementation of SAP, particularly Plan to Manufacture processes

o Solid analytical / problem solving skills

o Ability to evaluate IT and business challenges from a broad perspective.

o Strong influencing and excellent communication skills. Ability to translate between non-technical business users and technical IT resources.

o Strong client service attitude

o Strong organizational and time management skills

· Languages

o English fluency mandatory





迈泰科技有限公司(MetTech Consultancy Service Co.,Ltd),(以下简称迈泰科技)总部位于杭州滨江高新开发区,在上海建有子公司(上海睿沃信息技术有限公司),是一家以行业整体解决方案、咨询服务为核心的IT咨询服务商,专注于为客户提供高质量的ERP业务与行业解决方案,以及 IT综合技术服务。我们的咨询顾问团队专业从事ERP、WMS、SCM、CRM、BI等企业解决方案的实施、培训以及二次开发的技术型企业。团队核心成员均具有10年以上的 ERP实施和项目管理经验,核心团队成员均有海外或外资项目背景,英语或日语可作为工作语言之一,凭借对企业需求的深入了解和对全球领先 ERP系统的熟练运用,迈泰科技在每一个项目上都全力以赴,帮助客户更好地创造价值、节约成本、提升管理,与客户共同发展、共同成功。迈泰科技ERP团队专注于制造业中高端客户的企业管理咨询和信息化服务。自成立以来,已为国内外十来家著名企业提供ERP实施和咨询服务,成功实施了众多ERP项目。涉及的领域涵盖汽车、电子、机械、消费品等行业,知名国内外企业客户包括南京汽车集团公司、南京名爵汽车(原英国罗孚MG)、中兴汽车、西安法士特变速箱、东风康明斯、安治化工、华阳恩赛、合肥美桥等。迈泰科技ERP团队具有丰富的企业管理咨询和ERP系统实施经验,在长期实践中,总结出一套独特的项目实施、管理方法,使典型的中、大型规模企业的 ERP项目实施周期缩短到 4-6个月,为企业节约了投资。加之与国际接轨的管理思想及众多世界著名企业的实施经历,大大提高了实施成功率。迈泰科技基于Oracle EBS开发的Smart WMS解决方案,与Oracle EBS无缝集成,紧贴制造业在库房现场管理、车间移动完工、销售出库、上线结算、批次管理等实际需求,经过多个客户的成功实以及开发Smart WMS团队长期经验积累,已逐步形成了与制造业匹配度极高的成熟解决方案。迈泰科技拥有多年的制造型企业信息化和项目管理与控制的经验,承诺以国际一流的解决方案与服务,为用户创造价值。