Job Description
1. 负责高新技术企业等各类政府资金项目的申报及审核工作,确定申报项目,制定申报方案;
Responsible for the application and review of the high-tech certification, determining the application projects, and formulating application solution
2. 负责高新项目的费用归集,项目预算,人员工时统计工作;
Responsible for the cost collection, project budget, and personnel hour statistics of high-tech projects
3. 负责高新技术企业所需的知识产权管理及发掘;
Responsible for intellectual property management and exploration required by high-tech certification
4. 负责完成公司高新项目的申报资料收集,整理及编制工作;
Responsible for collecting, organizing, and compiling the application document for high-tech projects
5. 完成部门内部安排的其它工作;
Complete other tasks assigned by department manager
1. 本科或以上学历
Bachelor degree or above
2. 熟悉并掌握高新企业资质申报/认定流程及政策
Familiar with and proficient in the process of application and review for the high-tech certification
3. 掌握涉及高新技术企业申报的财务基础知识
Master the basic financial knowledge related to the application of high-tech certification
4. 文字功底扎实,有较好的逻辑思维能力及沟通协调能力;
Solid writing skills, good logical thinking and communication coordination abilities
5. 从事政府项目申报,高新项目申报相关工作者优先;
Priority for professionals involved in government project applications and high-tech project applications
6. 熟练使用Microsoft Office办公软件
Knowledge of Microsoft Office
北京 - 通州
北京 - 石景山
北京 - 海淀
北京中关村高新技术企业协会北京 - 房山
北京 - 大兴
北京佳速工程技术有限公司北京 - 东城