国际客服顾问 公司介绍 Trip.com Group Limited (Nasdaq: TCOM) is a leading one-stop travel service provider consisting of Trip.com, Ctrip, Skyscanner, and Qunar. Across its platforms, Trip.com Group enables local partners and travelers around the world to make informed and cost-effective bookings for travel products and services, through aggregation of comprehensive travel-related information and resources, and an advanced transaction platform consisting of mobile apps, Internet websites, and 24/7 customer service centers. Founded in 1999 and listed on Nasdaq in 2003, Trip.com Group has become one of the largest travel companies in the world in terms of gross merchandise value. 招聘需求: Location: Shanghai Key Responsibilities: 1.Assist customers with their inquiries and concerns in (English) via phone, chat, or email; 2.Communicate effectively with customers, showing empathy and patience; 3.Work as a part of a high-performing team, supporting and helping colleagues and your Team Lead as required; 4.Advocate the Trip.com culture both internally and externally; 5.Assist with ad hoc projects assigned by Team Leads / Supervisors. Requirements: 1.Proficiency in both verbal and written (English); 2.Have a passion for helping and supporting others. You gain a sense of fulfillment from saving someone’s day; 3.Able to work in shifts (morning, day, afternoon, and night), as well as during weekends and public holidays; 4.Good computer skills and knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.); 5.Positive and forward-thinking attitude, with a diligent and result-orientated approach to work. 必备条件: 1)英语 2)有服务意识 3)临场反应好,情绪稳定,擅长解决问题 4)是否接受旺季加班 Customer Advisor的日常工作内容是处理客户售后诉求,如退票、改签、姓名错、证件错,等。员工通过订单/系统操作,以及和航司/供应商等各方沟通,给客人提供售后方案,回复方式主要是电话&邮件。不同的客户诉求会有不同的对应的流程,员工需要按照流程规范为客人提供优质的售后服务。当然,如果处理工单过程中,客人明确表示不满需要投诉,也会有对应的升级投诉流程,由对应的专员继续跟进处理。 INBOND专门做进线,会涉及到较多情绪安抚,陌生用户的接入,需要有较好的服务意识,灵活应变能力和抗压能力。 备注: 1、招聘岗位针对Trip app用户,负责机票业务处理对接。 2、英语流利可作为工作语言,英语专业,专八证书或过往工作环境全英语。海外留学生活经历,雅思6. 岗位职责: 1、通过电话、聊天或电子邮件(以英语)协助客户解答疑问和处理关切事项; 2、与客户进行有效沟通,展现出同理心和耐心; 3、作为高效团队的一员,按要求支持和帮助同事及团队负责人; 4、在公司内外宣扬携程文化; 5、协助完成团队负责人/主管分配的临时项目。 任职要求: 1、具备熟练的英语口头和书面表达能力或取得英语专4以上证书; 2、热衷于帮助和支持他人,能从为他人排忧解难中获得成就感; 3、能够轮班工作(早班、白班、中班和夜班),包括周末及公共节假日; 4、具备良好的计算机操作技能,熟悉微软办公软件(Word、Excel、PowerPoint等); 5、工作地点:上海长宁区凌空SOHO(靠近淞虹路地铁站) 薪资福利: 1、无责固定薪资(7100元)+绩效激励(3300元)+班次补贴,综合薪资10-11K; 2、入职缴纳五险一金;职级晋升空间,入职培训; 上班时间: 1、早班:7:00-16:00/23:00-08:00 2、中班:9:00-18:00 3、晚班:15:00-24:00 做五休二,法定节假日三倍,轮班按月轮换;