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关于索迪斯集团生活质量与个人及组织的业绩息息相关,而索迪斯正是提高生活质量服务的全球领军企业。自1966年皮埃尔·白龙先生创立索迪斯以来,公司业务已遍及全球72个国家,每天为1亿消费者提供独特的驻场服务、福利与绩效管理服务和个人与家庭服务。50余年从业经验、100余种服务类型,索迪斯为客户提供专业的一体化解决方案:从前台接待、安保、设施维护与清洁,到餐饮服务、设施和设备管理;从员工就餐卡、礼品卡和出行交通卡,到家庭护理和管家服务。索迪斯的成功与业绩源于其独立性、可持续商业模型以及不断发展并激励全球460000名员工的能力。索迪斯是法国CAC 40指数和道琼斯可持续发展指数成员。关键数据合并收入207亿欧元(截至2017年8月31日) 460000名员工全球第19大雇主业务遍及72个国家每日服务1亿消费者 135亿欧元市值(截至2018年9月5日) About Sodexo Founded in Marseille in 1966 by Pierre Bellon, Sodexo is the global leader in services that improve Quality of Life, an essential factor in individual and organizational performance. Operating in 72 countries, Sodexo serves 100 million consumers each day through its unique combination of On-site Services, Benefits and Rewards Services and Personal and Home Services. Through its more than 100 services, Sodexo provides clients an integrated offering developed over 50 years of experience: from food services, reception, maintenance and cleaning, to facilities and equipment management; from services and programs fostering employees’ engagement to solutions that simplify and optimize their mobility and expenses management, to in-home assistance, child care centers and concierge services. Sodexo’s success and performance are founded on its independence, its sustainable business model and its ability to continuously develop and engage its 460,000 employees throughout the world. Sodexo is included in the CAC 40 and DJSI indices. Key Figures 20.7 billion euro in consolidated revenues(as of August 31, 2017) 460,000 employees 19th largest employer worldwide 72 countries 100 million consumers served daily 13.5 billion euro in market capitalization(as of September 5, 2018)关于索迪斯中国索迪斯于1995年进入中国市场,目前拥有12500余名员工,分布在500多个营运点,每天为110万名消费者提供服务。多年来,索迪斯中国始终秉承集团发展使命,结合中国市场需求形成了以工商企业、医疗养老和教育为主的多个专业化客户服务团队。作为国内唯一一家集服务设计、咨询及管理于一体的供应商,索迪斯致力于成为客户的战略合作伙伴,为其提供世界领先的驻场服务、福利与绩效管理服务,帮助客户提升业绩、促进发展。立足于“提高生活质量”的核心愿景,索迪斯中国致力于帮助企业和组织机构保留优秀人才、提高员工敬业度,以促进每日整体业务表现,为客户和消费者提供包括餐饮、工程、生活便利、业务支持、实验室服务及就餐万通卡、万通福利卡等在内的综合服务。 www.sodexo.cn About Sodexo China Sodexo China has 12,500 people at over 500 sites and serves 1,100,000 consumers every day. Since 1995, Sodexo provides a myriad of services to meet client’s complex needs across the spectrum of corporate, education, health institute and seniors’ home. In China, Sodexo is the only company, as the strategic partner of clients, to design, manage and deliver comprehensive service solutions of On-site Services and Benefits and Rewards Services. Improving Quality of Life of our employees and all those we serve is Sodexo’s mission and commitment. Founded on it, through its integrated offering of Foodservices, Engineering Services, Lifestyle Services, Business Support Services, Lab Services, Meal Pass and Tung Pass, Sodexo helps companies and organizations improve performance via retaining talents and improving employee engagement every day. www.sodexo.cn关键数据 1995年进入中国 12500名员工 500个营运点覆盖50个城市每天为110万名消费者提供服务 Key figures Business in China market since 1995 12,500 employees 500 sites 50 cities 1.1million consumers served daily