更新于 3月8日

Lean Coach/Lean Specialist 精益专家

  • 湛江霞山区
  • 5-10年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人


Job description:
Operational and strategy focus. Support company key initiatives & ensure the implementation of agreed targets and roadmaps in-line with our operation excellence program. Co-develop & apply operation excellence Methods based on global framework, engage our people at different teams to drive continuous improvement program and facilitate Kaizen workshops. autonomously assess sites in the starting phase on operation excellence & support assessment of more mature sites, future skill our people across the whole organization to build continuous improvement culture, support leadership team to deploy company annual target and strategic initatives.
1. Leads to builds up, develop and continuously refine the operation excellence roadmap , policy and organizations cross of sites, and drive the operative implementation and deployment of operation excellence projects.
2. Creates the local operation excellence training program, conducts training sessions and drives local operation excellence exchange. e.g. trains and enables line manager to drive the operation excellence activities, trains the trainers.
3. Develops and supports the implementation of standards and operation excellence basic tools, drives and supports daily CIP/A3 etc without blame culture, conducts on site coaching and promotes self-reliance ;
4. Identifies, manages and leads operation excellence workshop and projects with impact.
5. Creates a relationship based on trust to the workforce (prerequisite for coaching and challenge the status-quote enable to pull management/employees out of their comfort zone for driving continuous change)
6. Actively exchanges with Global Manufacturing and Global Lean Communit and collaborates with operation excellence Global Supply Chain, drives/facilitates operation excellence assessments.
7. Co-developer of the entire operation excellence in Hilti concept and support the operation excellence Academy – Owns global training topics.
Bachelor degree and above, majoring in Industry Engineering or mechanical engineering
Languages: Fluent English
Work Experience: Minimum of 8 years progressive experience in a manufacturing environment with operational excellence deployment experience with famous multinational company, with very strong hands on operation excellence improvement experience and solid experiences with policy deployment.
Other competency/qualification:
1. Solid application experience with operation excellence methodolody such as SMED, TPM, OEE improvement, A3 structure problem solving,Hoshin Kanri, leader standwork; 2. Willing to make your hands dirty to drive impactful business improvement not just theory teaching; 3. Excellent communication skill with people at all levels of organization;
4. Strong learning agility and willing to challennge yourself with strong discipline; 5. High people leadership skill is a must because you need to get people buy in to deploy operational excellence system and generate true business results through influence not title.





In Hilti, Career Made Real!在喜利得,我们是一支充满热情的全球团队,致力于让建筑业变得更美好。作为在提升生产力、安全性和可持续性方面值得信赖的合作伙伴,我们为客户提供创新的解决方案,这些方案影响着人们每天所依赖的建筑、道路和基础设施。喜利得是一个让每个人能够建立持久职业生涯的地方。在这里,我们能探索各种可能性、充分发挥潜力、主导自我发展,并在每一天做出真正的贡献。喜利得中国:1995年正式投产,位于广东省湛江市经济技术开发区;外商独资企业,喜利得集团全资拥有的制造基地;厂房面积近3万平方米,员工近400人;主要产品为用于建筑领域的紧固系列,如金属机械锚栓、钢钉、化学紧固产品等;喜利得全球制造体系技术革新中心,机械锚栓开发中心;喜利得集团在亚洲重要的易耗品生产厂,也是喜利得全球制造和销售网络中最重要的组成部分之一。进一步了解公司信息请关注”喜利得中国招聘“微信公众号。为何选择喜利得岗位:1:喜利得集团荣获全球2024年最佳工作场所排名第5位!2:重要工程技术创新支持-集团5%的销售额投资于技术研发,相当于工业行业标准的2倍。3:挑战性的工作-基于客户的需求,负责整个产品发展流程(独立地或小团队合作)的各个环节.4:一贯的行动自由度及自我负责5:跨领域、跨地区、跨国的职业发展机会6:独特的公司文化-我们的价值观:诚信、勇气、团队合作、承诺7:专业的人才发展机制8:工作与生活的平衡;9:多元化与包容性的公司;喜利得大数据:95%员工愿尽其所能帮助喜利得成功;93%员工为在喜利得工作而感到自豪;88%两年内加入喜利得的员工成功融入率80%管理岗位从企业内部提拔人才上岗;;25,000个工作日用于企业文化培养和探讨;平均每年发布的40种新产品;2015技术研发投入占销售额比重的5.5%;全系列产品组合中的产品种类数为10000种。喜利得鼓励与认可机制:1:基于绩效的年终奖2:基于绩效的年度调薪3:优秀表现奖4:长期服务奖5:持续改进奖6:车间月度绩效奖7:突出贡献奖8:退休贡献奖