更新于 12月9日

NA Sales Representative集团客户销售

  • 北京顺义区
  • 5-10年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人



Job Description:

1. For NA-Sales, setup and implement BD plan/strategy and achieve business target through making appointment with potential prospects and participating sales & Marketing activities, improve business opportunity, leading group account selling project at national level and improve hit rate.

2. For NA-Sales, Leading cross-functional communication to implement strategies and achieve business target through daily sales activities and national group account management, including regular internal review, prospect visit/virtual meeting, organize sales activities and call high at customer site.

3. Setup connection & maintain a close network with key stakeholders of the national group account.

4. Identify market-specific needs, customer pains, different industry trends and opportunities for business growth and focus on High Value Selling.

5. Negotiates business contracts with customer in accordance with overall company sales strategy.

6. Using Lindstrom’s need identification to value added sales approach and tactics in selling to new customers with special focus on relationship building across all levels of the national account

Key Responsibilities:

1. Bachelor degree, master degree or MBA is preferred

2. 5+years B2B working experience, 2+years of national group account sales working experience.

3. Solid sales experience in program solution selling & value selling.

4. Excellent communication & negotiation skills, and good presentation skill.

5. Could accept business travel in China.

6. Ability to negotiate with big customers on the top level of customer organization

7. Systematic way of working and ability to analyze information

8. Problem solving skills, and skills to sell solutions for customers.

9. Willingness to learn and develop

10. Self-motivation to achieve long term results

11. Well organized to plan meetings, visit customers and handle reports

12. Good interaction abilities, persuading and influencing abilities

13. Positive attitude, enthusiastic






林斯特龙是一家从事工作服整体外包服务,具备国际领先水平并拥有超过170年历史的芬兰跨国公司。自2006年入驻中国以来,林斯特龙在上海、苏州、北京、天津、广州、成都、武汉拥有多家工厂,在制药与医疗、食品、电子、化工、汽车和机械制造等行业,服务全国1300多家客户。未来,还将建立更多新工厂,服务可覆盖全国主要一、二线城市。林斯特龙的工作服(包含洁净服)整体外包服务涵盖了:工作服设计、生产、试穿、清洗、维护、递送、库存管理、更衣柜服务等。让您的管理更简单,让员工的工作更舒心。林斯特龙在中国的工厂传承了北欧企业严谨的管理作风。我们严格控制所有的服务流程和清洗工艺,采用高温清洗消毒、环保的高规格洗涤剂,服务质量有保证。并获得了ISO9001、ISO14001及欧盟EN14065认证。林斯特龙作为一家历史悠久的欧洲家族企业,有着丰富的行业经验以及强烈的社会责任感。随着中国业务的持续增长,我们渴望更多优秀人才的加入。在林斯特龙,你可以与来自不同国家的同事协作,在倡导彼此关怀的”WE CARE”企业文化中获得持续的成长和快乐的工作。如果您愿意有所收获,我们欢迎您的加入!请浏览我们的公司官网:https://lindstromgroup.cn林斯特龙苏州:苏州工业园区苏春工业坊/兴浦路128号腾飞新苏工业坊2期T幢6-10单元林斯特龙北京:顺义区顺航路12号安博物流园内1幢林斯特龙广州:广州经济技术开发区永和开发区井泉三路4号林斯特龙上海:上海市嘉定区百安路235号林斯特龙成都:成都市温江区海峡产业园林斯特龙天津:天津经济技术开发区相安路5号林斯特龙武汉:湖北省武汉市蔡甸区大集街道常福工业园北区竹林一路69号四号楼厂房