更新于 3月13日


  • 成都武侯区
  • 3-5年
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  • 招1人




1. 针对成都及西南市场,依据公司的销售计划,制订和执行公司销售与市场策略。通过多渠道开发新客户,深度挖掘现有客户潜力,确保达成销售收入目标。按时完成部门下达的业绩指标和工作任务;

2. 密切关注市场动态和客户需求,捕捉相应变化,分析相应原因,向总部提出意见和建议,提升产品和市场竞争力;

3. 维护现有客户关系,协助客服部门完成客户续保,提升客户满意度。


1. 本科学历,2年以上保险销售背景者佳;(条件优秀者可适当放宽)

2. 对保险市场和展业工作有较深刻认知;

3. 有良好的市场判断能力和开拓能力,有极强的团队合作精神;

4. 熟练操作办公软件;

5. 优秀的沟通能力,较强的观察力和应变能力。 一定的英语听、说、读、写能力;





About MSH CHINA Founded in 2001, MSH China is a leading high-end health insurance services provider in China. Our headquarters and operations center is in Shanghai. We have branch offices in Beijing and Guangzhou, and service offices in Dalian, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Suzhou. MSH China is the Asia pacific headquarter of MSH INTERNATIONAL. In addition, MSH INTERNATIONAL has a branch office in Singapore to serve the rest of the Asia-Pacific region. MSH China's main business is to provide high-end insurance products and far-reaching service to corporate clients and individuals. Currently, we hold the largest market share in China's high-end health insurance and serve over 1,000 companies, many of which are Fortune 500 companies. Brief Introduction of MSH INTERNATIONAL Founded in 1974, MSH INTERNATIONAL is a world leader in the design and management of international healthcare solutions. Via its four regional headquarters in Paris, Calgary, Dubai and Shanghai, MSH INTERNATIONAL provides 24/7, round-clock assistance in 40 languages for its 2,000 corporate clients and 330,000 insured members across 194 countries. Its majority shareholder is the House of Rothschild, a major player in the financial industry in Europe for more than two centuries. It is the majority shareholder of SIACI SAINT HONORE, to which MSH INTERNATIONAL belongs Our history in China 2001 1st International Health Insurance Service Center2002 1st Direct Billing Network with top-ranking local hospitals2004 1st local medical case management practice2005 1st International Health Insurance policy approved by the CIRC(China Insurance Regulatory Commission)2006 1st Long Term Disability Policy approved by the CIRC2009 The number of international corporates and schools we serve in China exceeding 6402011 1st International Health Insurance Service Provider with ISO9001 certification in China2011 Achieved the GHBH“preferred provider for locally hired expatriate employees in China” Award every yearever since 20082012 Serve over 800 corporate clients and international schools2013 1st international health insurance service provider with ISO27001 certification in China2013 Awarded as 2013“Service Provider of the Year” from Asian Insurance Review MSH CHINA简介万欣和(上海)企业服务公司(“万欣和”)成立于2001年,在中国高端健康险服务领域排名第一。作为全国最大的高端健康险管理服务商,我们拥有超过1,000家企业客户,包括多家世界500强企业。我们的总部和运营中心位于上海,设有北京分公司、广州分公司及大连、武汉、深圳、成都和苏州5个服务代表处。我们的主营业务是为企业客户和个人客户提供高端保险产品和服务。万欣和是MSH INTERNATIONAL的亚太区区域总部。同时,我们与MSH INTERNATIONAL新加坡服务代表处紧密合作,为其他亚太地区提供无远弗届的服务。 MSH INTERNATIONAL简介 MSH INTERNATIONAL成立于1974年,是国际健康险设计和管理方面的全球领军者。设有法国巴黎、加拿大卡尔加里、中东迪拜和中国上海4个区域总部,为客户提供24小时不间断的服务。 MSH INTERNATIONAL来自各个国家的员工具备40种语言能力,为遍布全球194个国家,超过2000家企业的33万被保险人提供服务,致力于为个人客户提供高质量的保险方案,为企业客户提供量身定做的保险产品。MSH INTERNATIONAL的大股东是活跃于欧洲金融界长达两个多世纪的罗斯柴尔德家族(the House of Rothschild)。 13年的本土服务经验,创造了众多的“中国第一”。 2001建立首个国际健康险服务中心2002建立首个与中国顶级公立医疗机构合作的直付医疗网络2004率先开始个案管理2005推出首个由保监会批准的国际健康险产品2006推出首个由保监会批准的长期失能险产品2011成为首个通过ISO9001质量管理认证体系的国际健康险服务提供商2011国内唯一连续当选由美国“全国企业健康组织”旗下的全球企业健康组织评定的“中国本地雇用外籍员工健康险首选合作伙伴”。2012服务的企业用户及国际学校超过800家2013首个中国ISO27001信息安全管理体系认证的国际健康险服务提供商2013荣获由《亚洲保险评论》评定的2013年度“亚洲最佳保险服务奖”。