吉宝(青岛)生物科技有限公司成立于2006年,坐落在美丽的海滨城市----青岛。由一家经营香辛料及香辛料深加工十多年历史的高新技术企业发展而来,是集研发、生产、销售、贸易于一体的中外合资企业。公司与国外企业合资以来,公司的发展有了质的飞跃,产品种类剧增,管理模式优化,服务质量日益提高。目前公司产品已形成复合调味料(烤鸡/炸鸡腌料、佐料、裹粉/炸粉、涂料)、常温和超低温粉碎香辛料、保鲜剂、酶制剂四大类,八十多个品种的格局。同时,吉宝(青岛)生物科技有限公司也是奥克拉集团(Orkla)下挪威Borregaard公司Omega-3鱼油在中国大陆的独家总代理。Omega-3鱼油是从深海鳕鱼鱼肝中提取的,从捕获到提取出鱼油仅用了两小时的时间,经冷压处理并在提取过程中尽量减少氧化,因而该鱼油没有鱼腥味,且EPA和DHA的含量均衡。该鱼油可以添加到奶制品、焙烤类产品、保健品、医药等各类产品中。Borregaard公司已经获得GMP、HACCP、Kosher和Halal认证。公司本着“诚信正直,求实创新”的企业精神,产品不断创新创优,质量不断提高,企业不断发展壮大。公司的产品已远销全国20多个省市,并出口美国、韩国以及东南亚等国家和地区,与国际国内众多知名企业建立了良好的贸易关系。企业始终坚持“以质量为生命、以市场为导向、以创新为求变”,服务于客户,服务于社会。欢迎国内外各大食品企业、公司前来洽谈合作。 Introduction Established in 2006, Keppel(Qingdao) Biotechnology Co., Ltd is located in the beautiful coastal city----Qingdao. Keppel(Qingdao) Biotechnology Co., Ltd is a joint venture company specifies in spices、cryogenic ground spices and herbs and devotes to research, manufacture, sales and trade. Since joining the foreign partner, Keppel Biotechnology has been focusing on management, quality products and customers’ services to carter to all our customer’s need and satisfaction. Presently, our products would divide into four major categories: seasonings(marinates, seasonings, batter and breading, coating, glaze), cryogenic ground spices and herbs, preservatives and enzyme products. Besides, the company has more than 80 varieties of products. At the same time, Keppel is also the sole agent of the Omega-3 of Borregaard in China which is one subsidiary of the Orkla group in Norway. The Denomega® is extracted from Cod Fish liver and cold processed within 2 hours. Denomega® is odorless and manufactured in accordance with GMP and HACCP, and has been awarded the Kosher and Halal certification.