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1. 按规定对原料、半成品、产品进行取样检测和分析工作;







昆山市亚香日用香料有限公司,(成立于2001年7月)位于中国江苏省昆山市,毗邻上海,信息交通十分便捷。公司是一家专业的香料制造企业,有多年的香料生产历史。公司最初以生产丁香酚香兰素为主,05年开始,公司产品结构开始多元化,相继开发了多个日化香原料与凉味剂系列产品,并成功的推向了市场,得到了客户的认同,产品销往美国、日本、欧洲等国家和地区。多年来,公司凭借优质的产品,至诚至周的服务赢得了广大用户的信赖,建立了长期良好的合作关系。随着公司业务的快速发展,公司于08年在江苏昆山千灯化工园区筹建了一个新的按国际标准建造的香原料生产基地。新工厂的生产规模是现有工厂的3倍,其中凉味剂车间是按医药原料GMP标准来建造的,并且建造了亚香香料研发中心大楼。预计09年建成。IntroductionKunshan Asia Essence Daily Aroma Co., Ltd,established in Jul, 2001 and located in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Provice, close to Shanghai. Information and transportation systems are very convenient.Asia Aroma specializes in the manufacturing and supplying high-lever aroma and been in field for several years. Initially, company mainly manufactures Vanillin EX Clove. In 2005, we put out several high techniques and well sold new products continuously---Fragrance ingredient and cooling agents which have been accepted by customers successfully. All the products have been sold to many countries in Europe and regions in America. With excellent quality and outstanding serves, we enjoy high reputation among our business partners and established good cooperation with our customers. With the fast development of our business, we are building a new factory in Qiandeng Industrial Park in order to keep pace with the international development, and the covering area is three times than the present factories. The workshops of the Cooling agents will be built according to the GMP standard, and we will also build a research building for our researching and developing department. The completion of new factory is expected in the middle of 2009.二:设施公司占地15亩,建筑面积3200多平方米。环境优美,有着高温、高压、低冷等各种特殊加工手段。生产工艺先进,有严格的操作程序,生产过程控制严密,产品质量稳定。EquipmentsAsia Aroma takes an area of 10000 square meters in which theconstruction area is more than 3200 square meters with the beautiful scenes. Company has some special processing ability, such as, High temperature; High Voltage; Low cold. In addition, the State-of-the-art facilities and up to date analysis equipment ensure the consistency of quality.三:研发我们的研发致力于产品工艺的不断改进和新产品的开发,R&D部门有5个优秀的工程师,为了深化研发,亚香香料与诸多科研机构开展合作,建立了良好有效的产学研体系.公司始终保持R&D的高投入力度,以确保产品质量,并不断推陈出新,为客户创造更高的价值。ResearchOur research and development department have five excellent engineers, and they put efforts on creating new products and improving existing product's process. To further strengthen our R&D activities, Asia Aroma cooperate with various academic institutions and established an efficient Company-University-Academia(CUA) system.We will keep on the high investment in R&D, to enhance product’s quality, improve yields, and lower costs to ensure the value of our customers.四.品控“产品尽善尽美,服务至诚至周”是昆山市亚香日用香料有限公司孜孜以求的目标。公司化验室配有精良的检测仪器和设备。品控部门对每一批的进出货都执行严格的品质控制。不合格产品一律不得发货。我司通过了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证。Quality ControlAsia Aroma always maintains the principles of the most-high quality products and the most high-quality serves. Our laboratory is equipped with cutting-edge analysis facilities. Our laboratory keeps severe control of every batch of raw material and finished product. Fail to conform to standards, raw material would be rejected and finished product would be returned to factory and reprocess. Our company has successfully passed ISO9001:2000 certificate.营销主要市场区域:欧洲,美国,日本,印度,新加坡,中国随着亚香快速的发展,销售额有2004年的2000万人民币到2007年的1.5亿人民币。2008年预计销售2亿人民币,其中WS 3在2007年占整个销售额的50%。;2008年WS 3将占到70%。目前WS 3的产能为15T/月,实际销售量为6T/月。随着市场的需求,我们的产能会随时增大。产品 WS 3,主要跟国际上大的香精公司合作,像IFF, Firmenich, Symrise等。另外,跟几个大的糖果公司正在洽谈中。服务就是我们的职业,客户满意是我们的目标.一旦接到客户的要求,我们的专业营销团队就开始提供符合国际惯例的高品质服务,并自始自终。只要您提出需求,余下就由我们来为您计划与实施。 Major market regions:Europe, American, Japan, India, Singapore, ChinaWith the development of Kunshan Asia Aroma, the turnover increased from 20 million RMB in 2004 to 150 million RMB in 2007, which WS-3 is 50% in 2007.This year the turnover will up to 200 million RMB, which WS-3 is 70%. The capability for WS 3 is 15T/ month, and the sales volume is 6T/ month. With the enlargement of the marketing, our capability will be improved accordingly. For product WS 3, we mainly soled to the big flavor and fragrance companies, such as, IFF, Firmenich and Symrise. In addition, we are also discussing with some Candy companies for this product.Service is our business, customer satisfaction is our goal.Our professional marketing team will commit the mission form your first inquiry.Please choose Asia Aroma, then set your hard at rest to enjoy our integrative solution way.产品PRODUCTS凉味剂 COOLING AGENTS食用香料 FLAVOR INGREDENTS日化香料 FRAGRANCE INGREDENTS