更新于 8月6日


  • 青岛城阳区
  • 1-3年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人


1.Familiar with the technical parameters of company products and project requirements, and able to demonstrate and explain to customers, possessing certain equipment installation, use, and maintenance abilities. 熟悉公司产品和项目需求产品的技术参数,并能够对客户进行使用示范讲解,具备一定的设备安装、使用及维护能力。

2. Cooperate with sales representatives to conduct on-site inspections and communicate with customers for technical coordination.能够配合销售人员实地察看现场,并与客户进行技术衔接沟通。

3.Design project proposals and product configurations based on the project configuration requirements provided by the sales.根据销售人员提供的项目配置需求进行项目方案设计、产品配置设计。

4.Prepare technical promotional materials for complete equipment projects and participate in technical explanations to customers.编制成套设备项目的技术宣讲资料,参与对客户的技术宣讲。

5.Communicate with the company's technical and pricing departments on project configuration details, and provide a product configuration list for project quotation.就项目配置细节与公司技术部门、报价部门沟通,为项目报价提供产品配置清单。

6.Complete other tasks assigned by department heads and the company. 完成部门主管及公司安排的其他工作。





Welcome to Plasson(Qingdao)Livestock Technology Co. Ltd.欢迎加入普拉颂You have joined a company which is part of a group of over 25 companies and prides itself on being a worldwide market leader. Our success to date is a result of the active involvement and combined efforts of all of our team as we work through the challenges of our competitive world- we look forward your contribution in your new position and wish you success.作为市场同业的领导者,普拉颂公司欢迎您的加入。在市场高度竞争的今天,我们的成功来源于公司团队的共同合作以及每个成员的积极努力。因此,我们期待着您在新的工作岗位上为我们作出的贡献。 At Plasson we are building a multi-skilled team, providing you with the opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge which we hope to share for many years.普拉颂致力于打造一支复合型技术团队,因此,我们将尽力为您提供提升技能和知识的机会。Our company has developed from being a pure manufacturer to being one that complements our manufactured product with a professional solutions to the livestock industry, with high commitment to quality,service, fair dealing and respect for our customers'. This views has not changed since day one, and, is the secret of Plasson's success today for over 50 years.我们已经从一个单纯的生产型企业转变为一个将自有产品与进口的其他成品相结合并同时向客户提供卓越可靠的售后服务的企业。Our achievements over the years have been significant- this success is directly attributed to the great team of people who work at Plasson. I am very proud to work for Plasson and I hope that you too will feel the same.我们已经取得的伟大成就归功于我们卓越的团队。我为自己能够为普拉颂工作而感到骄傲,同时也希望您能够有同样的感受。Plasson(Qingdao) Livestock Technology Co.,Ltd普拉颂(青岛)牧业科技有限公司