

  • 北京丰台区
  • 10年以上
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人



1. Responsibilities to cover varied CE Intiatives around sales capability improvement, Channel effectiveness, CRM & go-to market (GTM) strategies
2. Establishing a commercial operating mechanism and drive best practices across Seeds BU level to strengthen sales fundamentals and enhance capabilities
3. Crafting across BUs GTM training and development plan aligned with business priorities and future oriented organizational capability building
4. Identifying and Support Roll out of Digital tools for better customer experience within Seeds BU (Scope - Account planning, campaign, CRM, Field force effectiveness etc)
5. Lead and Develop Channel strategy and management methodology and provide trainning for Seeds BU
6. Driving continuous improvement in the commercial (sales and operations) processes working with crop commercial teams
7. Developing and implementing together varied CE Projects with different Crop teams in line with the strategic imperatives of the Seeds BU
8. Translating strategic objectives into operational plans
9. Coaching team members to deliver high performance


Knowledge 背景知识
1. Managed transformational projects in the space of Business/Marketing/Sales operations
2. Sales/Channel/ Marketing/Business Operations Management knowledge in China business (Preferred in Agriculture)
3. Knowledge on the varied Business/Sales Productivity Tools will be added advantage
4. Digital Savvy

Experience 经验
10+ years Business experience in Marketing/Sales/ Commercial Operations (Ag background will be advantage)

Capability 能力
Stakeholder Management and Passion to drive commercial projects. Knowing both English and Chinese language preferred. Project and Change Management.

Critical leadership capabilities
Problem Solving, Strategic & Analytical Thinking, Stakeholder management, Effective Communication, Decision making, Collaboration

Critical success factors & key challenges关键成功因素与挑战
Establishing the new CE division and team within Seeds Commercial Marketing Function
Effective working with Crop teams and drive fit to purpose CE projects
Stakeholder Management – Internal and Global

Additional information 其它信息

Open for Diverse Candidates
Travel within China will be required based on Business requirements/ projects






先正达集团中国是全球领先的农业科技全球化企业,是先正达集团旗下四大成员单位之一,业务领域包括植保、种子、作物营养、MAP与数字农业。先正达集团中国立足中国、参与全球运营,致力于将全球领先的科技、创新理念、人才资源与中国本土实力、市场洞察、优秀团队有机结合,引领现代农业服务和数字化创新,推动中国农业科技进步和高质量可持续发展,助力中国农业现代化转型升级。先正达集团中国的愿景是最具创新力的中国农业科技全球化公司,使命是让现代农业惠及更多农民和消费者。2019年销售额达56亿美元,拥有员工近15000名。一、 CP植保部分先正达集团中国植保业务单元由先正达中国植保、安道麦中国、扬农化工组成,是中国植保行业的领军者。拥有全球领先的创制与复配产品优势,完整的行业产品线覆盖以及完善成熟的植保产品和卫生用药研发体系,同时拥有全产业链布局和领先业界的广泛的多元化植保产品组合。植保业务单元致力于成为中国植保行业可持续的创新引领者,为客户提供绿色、高效和卓越的产品和服务。二、 SEED种子部分先正达集团中国种子业务单元由先正达中国种业、中种集团、荃银高科等组成,销售规模位居行业前列,覆盖玉米、水稻、小麦、蔬菜四大作物品类,拥有领先的现代化种子加工中心和研发创新中心,承载先正达集团生物技术的研究与应用,具有强大的核心研发实力和专利技术,创新打造优质品种和特有性状优势,致力于成为中国种业创新的领航者。三、CN作物营养部分先正达集团中国作物营养业务以中化化肥作为运营平台,中化化肥是国内化肥行业首家在港上市企业。作物营养业务覆盖研发、生产、销售、农化服务全产业链,销售覆盖中国95%的耕地面积,是中国领先的农资投入品分销服务商。作物营养业务单元通过构建行业产业生态圈,致力于打造集合资讯、物流、交易、供应链金融等开放式的行业生态服务平台“肥易通”,为产业链上下游相关利益方多维度服务赋能。四、 MAP与数字农业部分先正达集团中国MAP与数字农业业务以中化现代农业有限公司作为运营平台,推广MAP模式(Modern Agriculture Platform,即现代农业技术服务平台),在消费升级与新型农民之间搭建起桥梁。为广大种植者和食品供应链合作伙伴提供线上线下相结合、涵盖农业生产销售全过程的综合服务。在全国布局建设MAP技术服务中心和MAP示范农场,开发应用MAP数字农业系统。通过先进技术应用推广和生产托管服务,实施品质农产品购销。打造MAP beside全程品控溯源,贯通“从田间到舌尖”的优质农产品产业链,推动优质农产品品牌建设,实现优质优价。依托大数据提供金融保险服务,投资构建MAP+生态圈,实现“为消费者种出好品质、为种植者卖出好价钱、为产业链集好大数据”,帮助农民增收、产业增效、消费者得实惠,引领现代农业服务和数字化创新。