山东万图高分子材料股份有限公司成立于2010年9月,项目总投资16亿,占地面积430多亩,一期占地230多亩,是一家从事高分子新材料及原辅新材料的研发、生产、销售、技术咨询、技术推广、货物和技术进出口等业务的高新技术股份制企业。公司主导产品为WT系列环保卫生安全型增塑剂、环保钙锌复合稳定剂、软化剂和环保PVC浸塑液及其他环保高分子材料等产品,可广泛应用于医疗器械、食品包装材料、儿童玩具、环保涂料、地铺材料等行业。其中,WT系列环保卫生安全型增塑剂,增塑效果优越、稳定性好、抗菌性良好且可生物降解,在医疗器械、食品包装、儿童玩具、高档油漆涂料等安全环境要求高的行业广泛应用。公司贯彻“科技引领健康,创新成就未来”的发展理念,致力于打造与人类健康密切相关的高分子新材料生产基地。公司已累计申请专利12项,授权发明专利8项;主持制定企业标准10项,达到了“国际领先”水平。目前公司已建有“山东省环保高分子材料及助剂工程技术研究中心”、“山东省博士后创新实践基地”、“山东省认定企业技术中心”等三大省级创新平台,“威海市企业技术开发中心”、“威海市重点实验室”两大市级创新平台及“四川大学国家重点实验室威海创新中心”、“万图-安徽大学绿色塑料助剂工程技术研究中心”等创新平台。公司秉承“以人为本”的发展观,坚持“尊重人才”的用人理念。公司采用三标一体化的国际标准化管理模式,为员工提供了富有竞争力的薪资福利,完善的培训体系和广阔的发展空间。公司下一步将继续加大研发力度,推进水性涂料用环保助剂、水性软化剂、聚酯增塑剂等产品的研发与生产应用,始终紧紧地围绕着环保、无毒、新型材料领域,在巩固目前市场地位的基础上,根据市场需求不断研发新产品,大力开发新产品、改进工艺、降低成本,形成规模化生产占领市场。Foundedin Sep.2010, Shandong One Two Polymer Materials Co., Ltd is a technologyintensive enterprise. It occupies an area of more than 430mu and thefirst-stage project covers 230mu. It’s a new high-tech corporate enterprisewhich mainly engages in the R&D, production, marketing, technicalconsultation, technical promotion, goods and technology import and export, andother businesses on polymer materials and supporting materials. The total investmentof the whole project is 1.6 billion Yuan RMB.The company carries outthe cooperation of Industry-University-Research. We have successfully developedthe series of WT plasticizers which is environmental friendly, colorless,odorless and effective. The series of WT plasticizers has passed REACH, ROHStest of SGS. And the products also passed toxicology test approved by domesticauthoritative testing organization. The test proved that our products are freeof heavy metals, benzene ring structure and other toxic components. Our productshave reached the international leading level and we have already applied for 6 Nationalinvention patent. The project is the key industry project which supported bystate, and the concept of Environmental protection is appreciated by state. Inaddition, We have further developed the series of WT Environmental friendlyCa/Zn complex stabilizer。Our product become the first choice of industry which Attaches greatimportance to the safety and Environmental protection, such as Medicalapparatus and instruments, Children's toys, food grade flexible hose, Wire andcable, Decoration materials. It leadsthe upgrade of the“green” Plastic products.Shandong One Two PolymerMaterials Co., Ltd always implements the concept of“technology leads thehealth, Innovation Enlightens the Future”, and turns to build the base. We havealready passed ISO9001 quality system certification,ISO14001 environmentalmanagement system and Occupational health and safety assessment series 18001certification, Strictly carried out international standardization management ofthe integration of the three standardsto make sure that Process control mechanism and traceability system canbe implemented. We try our best just aim to supply more employmentopportunities to the social, high quality life to our employees and better productto people.