Keeta is an independent brand of Meituan, the world's largest tech-driven retail company. We focus on food and consumer product delivery services in international markets with the mission: "We help people eat better, live better".
Established in March 2010, Meituan has helped transform the supply and demand of service and product retail across the digital landscape.
As Meituan and Keeta continue to increase R&D investment and advance in new technologies, we uphold a customer-centric approach, working with our partners to provide quality services to customers.
1. 英语水平较高,或会阿语
2. 做事踏实靠谱,执行力强
3. 能够主动和精准地表达想法,论证观点,落地执行
4. 乐于观察和思考,善于发现问题
5. 熟练使用数据分析工具
1. 有较大互联网公司产品经理实习经验
2. 实习三个月及以上
1. 国际化视野:和同事紧密协作,积累跨境工作经验,培养国际化视野,表现优异可以到沙特深入实习!!!
2. 产品能力提升:美团有着成熟完整的产品方法论,和训练有素、乐于思辨的产品团队,是想要扎实基本功的产品新人不可多得的机会(Mentor经验丰富、人很nice)
3. 挚友和战友:收获一群认真负责的同事,工作时是你的战友与你共进退,工作之余也可以分享学习经验,共同进步