更新于 12月27日

Customer Support 客户支持专员

  • 天津河北区
  • 1年以下
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人



Key Responsibilities

  1. Customer Support & Communication:
    • Provide prompt, professional support to customers via email and phone in both Chinese and English.
    • Manage, track, and resolve support tickets using a ticketing system
    • Assist clients with onboarding processes, ensuring smooth integration into the platform and usage.
    • Conduct product training sessions in Chinese for new clients, ensuring they are comfortable using the platform.
  2. Issue Troubleshooting & Investigation:
    • Perform initial investigations for reported technical issues, validating if the issue is user-related (e.g., platform misuse) or a potential technical fault.
    • Collaborate with internal technical teams to escalate and communicate technical issues, providing clear descriptions of the problem and troubleshooting steps already taken.
    • Act as the liaison between the client and the technical team, ensuring accurate and timely feedback to clients on progress and resolution.

  3. Documentation & User Guide Maintenance:
    • Maintain and update the Chinese-language user guides based on the English versions, ensuring clarity and accuracy.


  • Fluency in Chinese (Mandarin) and English, both written and spoken.
  • Previous experience in customer support or a similar role, ideally within a SaaS company.
  • Experience with ticketing systems (e.g. Freshdesk, Zendesk, Jira, etc.).
  • Strong phone and email communication skills, with the ability to handle client queries in a professional and clear manner.
  • Experience in client onboarding and providing product training.
  • Ability to investigate technical issues, identify platform misuse, and coordinate with technical teams for resolution.
  • Familiarity with SaaS platforms and understanding of basic technical concepts.
  • Ability to work in a global team environment, with remote team communication and collaboration. Remote setting with reliable internet connection is required.





>;>;>;美译灵(MultiLing Corporation)为Questel旗下的专业专利翻译公司。>;>;>;>;>;Questel成立于上个世纪七十年代初,总部位于法国巴黎,目前在美国、日本及中国皆设有办事处,全球团队已逾200人。成立近五十年来,Questel始终专注于知识产权信息服务这一核心业务,目前的业务主要涵盖知识产权软件服务(Softwarfe)、咨询服务(Consulting)和电子学习(Elearning)三大领域,受众遍布全球各地。>;>;>;>; Questel旗下美译灵翻译公司(MultiLing Corporation)成立于1988年,总部位于美国。公司以其优质的翻译服务和极具竞争力的价格,已成为众多国际化公司和企业可信赖的合作伙伴。美译灵在世界各地设立了分公司来加强其在国际市场的服务。为了更好地服务国际客户,美译灵先后在中国、德国、意大利、秘鲁、韩国、日本设立了分公司。>;>;>;>;>;美译灵(天津)科技有限公司(“MultiLing China”)成立于2011年。我们秉承了Questel和美译灵公司的优良传统,以一支独特的高质量母语翻译和译审团队,凭借自主开发的智能化翻译软件和词汇管理软件为各行业的客户提供高品质的本地化母语翻译服务。我们诚挚地邀请您的加盟,公司将为优秀的人才提供完善的福利和广阔的平台!>;>;>;>;>;公司网站:https://www.questel.com/>;>; http://www.multiling.com/>;>;>;>;公司位于河北区狮子林大街与海河东路交口旺海国际广场B座1101-1104。工作时间:周一到周五8:00-17:00;周末及国家假日休息;公司提供:1.五险一金;2.带薪年假;3.节日福利;4.每月绩效奖; 5.年终奖;6.餐补、交通补助7.远程在家上班;8.不定期集体活动如聚餐和旅游 9.生日福利10.防暑降温费、取暖补贴。11.加班按国家规定支付报酬>;请应聘者直接将简历发至邮件(请勿以附件形式发送)>;请注意使用以下E-mail主题格式:职位名称+姓名。1、务必在简历首页注明:应聘职位,最快入职时间,现在月薪,期待月薪(税前),招聘信息来源等内容。2、简历经筛选合格后,将会和您联系。3、招聘电子邮箱: multilingzhaopin@163.com