伊科成立于2008年,总部设在美丽的鹭岛厦门,目前拥有员工600余名,旗下设有清流伊科电子科技有限公司,在长三角、珠三角等地设有办事处。主要生产基地位于山清水秀的三明市清流县城南工业园区,配有现代化厂房,综合办公大楼,员工宿舍楼等,总占地30余亩,建筑面积3万余平方米。公司专业从事环保节能的电源及磁性电子元件的研发、生产、销售为一体的国家级高新技术企业。公司主要产品包括电源适配器、LED照明电源、通讯电源、充电桩电源、高低频变压器、电感、磁环及滤波器等产品。公司通过CE、UL、CQC、ISO9001、ISO14001等认证,产品广泛适用于LED照明、通讯设备、液晶显示器、电池充电桩、多媒体机顶盒、智能转换器、资料存储设备、工控设备和其它的日用电器,并可根据客户要求订制,产品全部满足欧洲ROHS标准。公司自成立以来,保持快速发展的态势,在行业中取得了良好的成绩,产品畅销国内外市场。70%产品远销北美、欧洲及东南亚等国家和地区,是照明市场有影响力的磁性元件及电源厂商之一。公司已拥有数十条以上磁性电子产品全自动化生产线,拥有一整套现代化的电源及磁性电子元器件的检测实验室(如ROHS,功耗,介质损耗等)。在技术和工艺上,伊科紧跟国际行业技术前沿,兼收并蓄,不断引进吸收先进技术和设计理念,拥有数十人的研发队伍,每年获得多项专利,获得相关专利有:环氧工感发明专利、贴片电感专利、变压器耐高压专利及自主研发的多种自动化设备专利。公司一直坚持“客户第一、开拓创新、努力奋斗、合作共赢”的经营理念,坚持以人为本,走科技强企之路,广泛招贤纳士,始终保持一定量的新生力量,在公司内部充分发挥培训作用,不断培养各层次的人才,让员工始终保持着:“创新、责任、坚韧、专业”的精神。公司产品价值逐步在行业体现,未来将继续努力拓展品牌推广,进一步提升伊科在行业的品牌认知度,为伊科明天腾飞创造更加坚实的基础。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。YKM group was established in 2008, headquartered in Xiamen. We currently have more than 600 employees. Qingliu Unikom Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., which is one of Unikom group branches, is located in the beautiful scenery Qingliu County South Industrial Park, Sanming City. Unikom group has modern facilities, integrated office buildings and employ dorm, etc. The total area exceeds 30 acres(construction area exceeds 30,000 square meters). We also have branches in Yangtze and Zhujiang deltas.We keep researching and developing the Eco friendly power and magnetic components. Our main products include switching power supply, LED lighting power, communication power, charging pile, adapters, high and low frequency transformers, inductors, choke coils, filters and more. As an CQC, ISO 9001- and ISO 14001-certified maker, we only offer products fully compliant with RoHS, CE and UL. Our products are widely used in LED lighting, communication equipment, LCDs, charging pile, multimedia set-top box, intelligent converter, data storage device, industrial equipment and home appliances. We also accept OEM orders which can be customized according to customer requirements. All of our products meet the European RoHS standards. We have rapidly grown in the industry and all our products are sold well in domestic and foreign markets. 70% of the products are exported to North America, Europe and Southeast Asia and some other countries. As one of the most influential magnetic components and power supply manufacturers in China, we have over 10 automatic production lines and a set of modern laboratories for testing power consumption, dielectric loss, RoHs, etc.).Unikom branch keeps up with the forefront of international advanced technology and design concepts, we have 18 R&D engineers and achieves patents for chip inductors, high voltage transformer and automatic equipment.The policy of Unikom is‘customer first, pioneering and innovative, hard work, win-win cooperation‘. In the future, we will also maintain a certain amount of new forces, training, and constantly cultivate all levels of talent, so that employees have always maintained the spirit of‘innovation, responsibility, tenacity and profession‘.The value of Unikom products is gradually reflected in the industry, we will continue to strive to expand our brand and enhance the brand awareness in the industry to create a solid foundation. Welcome to visit us, and we look forward to cooperate with you.温馨提示:乘车路线: 951、958到大学康城总站下车,步行到达;926到安妮股份站下车;911到华雅花园站下车;附近公交站(前场村站),有994、657、941、942、840,步行约25公钟。如经面试合格、通知录用者,请及时携带以下证件及材料准时到我司办理报到手续: 1、身份证、毕业证、社会保障卡、驾驶证、健康证、职业资格证等证书原件; 2、本市员工需提供就业失业证,外来员工需提供暂住证原件; 3、一寸彩照2张(如您没有厦门地区的社保卡,需要提供穿深色有领衣服照的白底一寸彩照3张,用作办理社会保障卡); 4、员工与原单位解除劳动关系证明/毕业生提供《就业协议书》;以上所有资料携带原件和复印件2份,入职手续办好即将原件归还;如您对上述事项有任何疑问或建议,欢迎随时与本公司联络。