信邦同安集团,是风电领域全球领先的电控整合方案创新者。公司成立于1993年,经过近30年的发展,目前拥有北京通州、江苏江阴、台湾苗栗以及江苏徐州4个生产基地,全球雇员超过1,000人,2020年实现销售业绩超过12亿人民币。信邦同安集团专注可再生能源领域高品质电气控制柜、变流柜、集成电路板、温度传感器、加工线束和相关零组件的设计与加工。在过去的近三十年中,公司已为全球可再生能源领域顶级客户提供了覆盖项目管理、定制化设计、弹性服务、可信赖的质量等全方位的增值服务。根据市场占有率数据预估,全球平均每三台风力发电机就有一台装备有信邦同安的产品。如今,数以亿计信邦同安集团的产品已经随着客户的设备运行在世界各地,源源不断地输出着优质绿色能源,为了让明天的世界变得更好,默默的工作着。我们寻找的不仅仅是员工,而是寻找愿意与我们携手,共同创造绿色未来的合作伙伴,你,做好准备了吗?TASBREG is the innovative integrated solutions provider of renewable energy.Foundedin1993,TASBREG has four production bases in Tongzhou District of Beijing, Jiangyinof Jiangsu, Miaoli of Taiwan and Xuzhou of Jiangsuwith more than 1,000 employees worldwide during nearly 30 yearsof development. In 2020, our revenue have reachedover RMB1.2 billion.TASBREG focuses on the design and processing of high-quality electricalcontrol cabinets, converter cabinets, intelligent monitoring systems, PCBassembly, cable assembly and electronic components in the field of renewableenergy. In the past three decades, we have provided a full range of value-addedservices covering project management, customized design, flexible services, andreliable quality to our global top customers.According to market analysis, one-third of global wind turbines areequipped with TASBREG’s products. Countless of them have been distributed allover the world, continuously exporting high-quality green energy, workingsilently to make the world better.We are looking for not only employees but partners who are willing tojoin us to create a green future together.Are youready for the journey?