上海静安区安柏蒙特梭利进修学校,是一所专业蒙特梭利学前教育及培训机构。安柏蒙特梭利学校成立于2010年,原为上海静安立恩蒙特梭利进修学校,后更名为上海静安区安柏蒙特梭利学校。作为一家专业的蒙特梭利学龄前综合教育机构,蒙特梭利教育理念的推广及应用是其最为重要的一个部分,学校从成立之日起即面向社会招0-6岁学龄前幼儿,运营两年来得到社会及家长的广泛认可与好评,学校规模也随之不断的持续扩大与发展。作为一家美国蒙特梭利学会(AMS)的学员学校,我们一直按照美国蒙特梭利所制定的国际标准,严遵循蒙特梭利的教学方法,为我们的孩子创造幼稚的教学环境,并竭尽所能,为这里的每一个家庭提供最专业的育儿指导。Amber Montessori School of Shanghai is located in Jing An District in Shanghai, an institute that specializes in Montessori education and training.Amber Montessori School was established in 2010, formerly known as Trillium Montessori School of Shanghai. As a professional Montessori education and training institute, the promotion and application of the Montessori philosophy plays the most important role here. The school strictly adheres to the education and curriculum requirements of the Montessori educational system and actively explores Montessori educational principals for 0 to 3 and 3 to 6 year old children. The school will develop and accumulate curriculum in line with the age of the child. For the past two years the school has had a good reputation with the community and our families. The size of the school is continuing to grow and expand.