更新于 3月11日

Marketing manager

  • 武汉江夏区
  • 5-10年
  • 学历不限
  • 全职
  • 招1人


Part Rescue Technology Co., Ltd
name: Marketing manager
Job overview
Responsible for the company's overseas market development, brand international operation and market strategy planning, lead the team to achieve sales targets and improve the company's competitiveness in the global market.
Core responsibilities
1. Market strategy formulation
- Study international market demand, industry trends and competitor dynamics, and formulate medium - and long-term overseas market expansion plans.
- Analyze the policy regulations, economic environment and cultural differences of target countries/regions to avoid trade risks.
2. Core responsibilities
1. Market strategy formulation
- Study international market demand, industry trends and competitor dynamics, and formulate medium - and long-term overseas market expansion plans.
- Analyze the policy regulations, economic environment and cultural differences of target countries/regions to avoid trade risks.
3. Brand promotion and marketing
- Planning and implementing operational strategies for cross-border e-commerce platforms (such as Amazon, Alibaba, etc.), optimizing pages and SEO.
- Organize international exhibitions, industry forums and other online and offline promotion activities to enhance global brand awareness.
- Develop digital marketing solutions (Google Ads, social media, email marketing, etc.) to accurately reach target customers.
4. Team management and training
- Coordinated the division of labor of the marketing team, formulated performance appraisal standards and supervised their implementation.
- Regularly carry out special training on international trade, cross-cultural communication, market analysis, etc., to improve the professional ability of the team.
5. Data-driven decisions
- Establish market data monitoring system, analyze sales data, competitive product dynamics and customer demand feedback.
- Put forward optimization suggestions and report market results and strategic adjustment direction to management regularly.
6. Compliance and risk control
- Familiar with international trade rules (such as Incoterms, import and export controls), anti-dumping policies and overseas compliance requirements.
- Monitor business compliance and guard against credit risk, exchange rate fluctuations and legal disputes.
Nationality: United States
- Industry experience: more than 5 years of market management experience in foreign trade industry, familiar with cross-border e-commerce, international exhibitions, foreign trade market expansion and other fields.
- Language skills: Proficient in English (or other target market language), with business negotiation and cross-cultural communication skills.
- Resource integration: It is preferred to have high-quality overseas customer resources, supplier network or industry association cooperation channels.





公司简介武汉思秒科技有限公司是一家专业从事进口电子元器件分销,国产代理器件销售,板卡方案研发以及SMT加工,并获得ISO9002质量体系和军标体系。发展至今,公司产品广泛应用于通讯、网络、电力电子、消费电子等领域。客户遍布世界,近及东南亚,远及北美、欧洲,与韩国,印度,美国,加拿大,英国等国家地区的客户维持着良好的供求关系。并获得IOS9002质量管理体系认证、2017最信得过芯片分销商、2017年企业诚信代表、2021中国年度优选雇主奖。截止2020年底,公司有65余人,其销售额达3.3亿人民币;2021年公司有95余人,其销售额达6.8亿人民币;预计2022年,公司人员将达150人,其销售额达10亿人民币。近三年公司按每年不低于20%的增速发展,仅华中地区公司品牌效应在同行业中就排行前二,口碑远达国际市场。在经营中,公司坚持“品质第一,服务至上,诚信为本,共同发展”的经营理念,以向客户提供最好的产品和服务为已任,通过强大的采购渠道和专业的销售服务体系,向客户提供规范化、专业化、全方位的产品服务,深受国内外客户的好评和支持。为致力打造全球性最具优势混合分销商,公司在台湾、日本、香港、深圳和武汉等亚太多个地区设有多个销售和服务据点。其中销售、采购中心设在台湾、日本、深圳;物流中心设在香港;OEM代加工、行政总部设在武汉。公司经营各类主动元件( IC集成电路,存储芯片,二、三极管等)和被动元件(电容,电阻,电感等)及机电元件(连接器,开关器件)等。OEM代加工为客户解决物料采购的同时提供SMT贴片、THT焊接插件、组装测试合作方案,从根本上帮助客户解决物料采购、生产加工的难题。以“降低采购成本,缩短生产周期”为服务宗旨,从物料、生产两个环节上为客户提供一站式电子元件供应、加工链合作方案。为了能提供给客户高品质、低成本、满意服务及准时的货期,公司不断完善内部组织结构,通过培养团队的服务意识及专业技能并且严格管理营销、物流等各个环节的营运成本,来实现公司的最优配置!以期能与广大客户一起发展和成长!

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