江苏绿科船舶科技有限公司(以下简称“绿科船舶”)2006年成立于江苏南通,是一家专业从事船舶与海洋工程服务及绿色技术研发的高新技术服务企业。 Greentec Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.(“Greentec Marine”), established in 2006 in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China, is a high-tech service company specializing in marine and offshore engineering services as well as green technology research.自成立以来,绿科船舶持续秉持“诚信、专业、创新、合作”的企业精神,坚持自主创新和业务升级,为客户提供优质的服务,主营业务包括三大版块:工程总包服务、船舶与海工服务、调试与售后服务。Being always adhering to the spirit of“Integrity, Profession, Innovation, Cooperation”, Greentec Marine focuses on independent innovation and business upgrading, providing clients with high-quality services. The main business scope covers EPC service, marine and offshore service, commissioning and maintenance service.公司现有专业技术人员100余名,核心团队具有15年以上船舶与海工行业经验。公司全面实行ISO标准化管理,凭借专业的服务和高效的运营赢得了多方的高度认可,获得了多项国家级和省市级荣誉,并与国内外知名航运企业、研究所、高校等建立了长期稳定的合作关系。随着业务的发展,公司相继在上海、新加坡及东京设立了分公司,并建立了覆盖全球的服务网络。Greentec Marine has more than 100 professional technical personnel currently. Among them, the key persons have more than 15 years of experience in marine and offshore industry. Greentec Marine operates in compliance with ISO standard and has gained a strong recognition from various parties for its professional services and scientific management, and has been awarded many national and provincial honors, and established long-term and stable business relationships with well-known shipping companies, research institutes, colleges and universities both domestic and overseas. To enhance the development of its major business, Greentec Marine has set up branches in Shanghai, Singapore and Tokyo and has established a high-efficiency global service network.