百奥泰是一家位于中国广州,基于科学而创新的全球性生物制药企业。公司致力于开发新一代创新药和生物类似药,用于治疗肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病、心血管疾病、眼科以及其它危及人类生命或健康的疾病。作为新一代抗体药物研发的领导者,百奥泰已推动多款候选药物进入后期临床试验,其中格乐立®(阿达木单抗)、普贝希®(贝伐珠单抗)、施瑞立®(托珠单抗)已在中国获批上市。TOFIDENCETM(托珠单抗),Avzivi®(贝伐珠单抗)已在美国获批。公司现有20多款在研产品处于不同临床研究阶段,其中肿瘤领域主要聚焦后PD-1时代的肿瘤免疫治疗和抗体药物偶联体(ADC)靶向药物开发。百奥泰始终以患者的福祉作为首要核心价值,通过创新研发,为患者提供安全、有效、可负担的优质药物,以满足亟待解决的治疗需求。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.bio-thera.com,或关注我们的推特(@bio_thera_sol)和微信公众号(百奥泰)。Bio-Thera Solutions, Ltd., a leading innovative, global biopharmaceutical company in Guangzhou, China, is dedicated to researching and developing novel therapeutics for the treatment of cancer, autoimmune, cardiovascular, eye diseases, and other severe unmet medical needs, as well as biosimilars of existing, branded biologics to treat a range of cancer and autoimmune diseases.As a leader in next generation antibody discovery and engineering, the company has advanced multiple candidates into late-stage development, including three approved products: QLETLI® in China, and TOFIDENCE™/ BAT1806 and Avzivi®/Pobevcy® in the US and China. In addition, the company has more than 20 promising candidates in clinical trials, focusing on immuno-oncology in the post-PD-1 era and targeted therapies such as ADCs. For more information, please visit www.bio-thera.com/en/ or follow us on Twitter(@bio_thera_sol) and WeChat(Bio-Thera).