工作概要 Summary
QKAM将成为客户质量引领者,JSS全球客户战略引领者。QKAM关注客户需求,解决重要问题,维护客户记分卡,定义客户质量策略。QKAM will be Customer quality champion, JSS global strategic customer champion. Focus on the customer requirement, important issues solving, Customer scorecard maintain, and define customer quality strategy.
主要任务和职责 Primary Duties and Responsibilities
1. 负责中国区OEM客户的质量问题解决,及相关质量管理工作。Be responsible for customer quality problem solving and concern management handing activity for all China region Customer OEM.
2. 与工厂及其他职能部门合作,确定根本原因并制定行动计划,作为JSS和客户之间的接口与客户进行充分沟通。Work with plant cross functional team to identify root cause and generate action plan, fully communicate with customer as the interface between JSS and Customer.
3. 与工厂质量团队及售后团队合作,维护客户记分卡和业绩。Work with plant quality organization team and warranty team to maintain customer scorecard and performance.
4. 领导和开展满意度研讨会,提高工厂服务质量,以超越客户期望。Lead and conduct satisfaction workshop to improve plant customer quality to exceed customer expectations.
5. 与JSS PSC委员会一起解决关键的客户投诉和安全相关问题,作为代表区域的协调者。Work with JSS PSC committee to fix critical customer complaint and safety related issues, as coordinate representing region.
6. 建立并加强客户关系,定期听取客户意见,拜访客户,领导和协调JSS与客户之间的客户满意度问题。Customer relationships build up and enhancement, regular listen the Voice of Customer, regular customer visit and communication, lead and coordinate customer satisfaction issue between JSS and Customer.
7. 领导并推动项目开发和工厂客户重要问题的处理,相关流程的建立/实施,问题解决等活动。Lead and drive on APQP and plant customer important issue handing & related process set up / implementation, problem solving activities.
8. 参与早期新产品在客户现场的质量改进。Early involve in new product quality improvement at customer site.
9. 作为OEM客户在 JSS 的客户战略引领者,关注质量改进、客户关系的建立与增强。Be JSS global strategic customer champion for Customer OEM, quality improvement, customer relationship building up and enhancement.
10. 对现场服务人员进行日常管理,保证工作质量和效率。Make daily management to on-site service personnel, assure the rate of in-time of work quality
11. 负责客户质量合同的审核。Responsible for review quality contract of customers.
12. 协助客户审核和第三方审核,获得认证。Assist customer audit and 3rd party audit to win the rewards.
13. 完成上级领导当下交办的各项工作任务。Complete each work and task contemporarily assigned by superior leader.
学历&经验Education & Experience:
1. 学历:大学本科或同等学历(机械、化工类专业)。Education: undergraduate or equivalent certification (major in mechanism and chemistry)
2. 经验:累计相关工作年限八年Experience: above 8 years related working experience.
1. 具有较强的问题解决能力和方法论,熟知6σ,8D, 5 Why等工具者更佳。Strong problem-solving skills and methodology, such as six sigma, 8D, 5 Why… preferred.
2. 拥有较强的产品、工艺或质量工程背景。Strong product, process, and or quality engineering background.
3. 拥有良好的沟通,团队合作,跨部门工作经验,能力和技能。Strong Communication, teamwork, cross functional working experience, competency & skills.
4. 具有IATF16949汽车行业质量体系知识和经验。IATF16949 automotive industry quality system knowledge and experience.
5. 具有良好的工作态度和抗压能力。Good working attitude and ability to work at pressure.
6. 具有较强的管理和领导能力。Demonstrated strong management & leadership skill & abilities.
7. 积极主动,能够在全球/区域/跨部门的团队环境中工作。Self-starter with ability to work in a global/regional/cross functional team environment.
8. 拥有积极的思考及工作方式。Positive thinking / working style.
上海 - 浦东
上海 - 奉贤
上海 - 青浦
上海 - 松江
上海舒菲凯雅生物科技有限公司上海 - 青浦
上海线友电子有限公司上海 - 青浦