1. Analyzes, monitors customer forecast reliability. Develops an adequate understanding about customer’s requirements and needs (Customer's Inventory, Consumption...etc.) in order to adjust and improve forecasts reliability.
2. Receives, verifies and enters timely customer's forecasts and orders in the information system and provides feedback to customers.
3. Performs, follows up and updates develivery plan based on customer orders and priorities in order to optimize transit time & pick/pack/loading time.
4. Deals with customers extra orders, urgent delivery requests. Coordinates customer's claims treatment process including products return coordination (reverse logistics), actions plans progress and customer feedback.
5. Advises about preparation schedule, generates pick lists accordingly, controls and updates physical preparation progress, products labels, delivery documents, packaging and trucks loading.
6. Validates delivery in the information system and commincates Advanced Shipement Note to customers (ASN). Follows up delivery accuracy On-Time-In Full (OTIF) and takes needed actions.
7. Prepares, communicates and reviews Outbounded Logistics KPI's and defines accordingly continuous improvement plans of processes, procedures and systems in line with the Logistics Department and company's objectives.