更新于 2月5日

Innovation Coordinator(线缆方向)

  • 天津武清区
  • 1-3年
  • 大专
  • 全职
  • 招1人


Conducts end to end R&D and Innovation projects and provides support to the Innovation supervisor on project creation, approval to serial launch validation, and project closure according to predefined policies, procedures and rules in order to reach target objectives in terms of budget, delay and quality.
1. Executes end to end product design phase such as preparing design initiation form, performing equipements, tools and raw materials availability assessement, preparing and issuing samples production order, supervising samples production, preparing and issuing testing requests and reviewing test results.
2. Coordinates initial samples production and validation phase activities such as production line, equipement, tools, and raw materials assessment and preparation, initial samples production order preparation and issue, supervision of initial samples production, assessement of process performance and quality results and realization of machine capability on defined caracteristics. Prepares testing requests, reviews test results and updates accordingly industrialization files.
3. Prepares the technical files according to the OEM requirements.
4. Monitors post-launch production results (process capability, performance result, control results,etc.) and provides required support for Problem solving (if needed). Initiates validation of serial production, updates and closes the Industrialization project.
5. Complies with the Quality and EHS Systems requirements. Complies with corporate values, code of conducts and non disclosure agreement.
6. Prepares R&D and Innovation KPI's and defines accordingly continuous improvement plans of processes, procedures and systems to meet Company's objectives.
7. Prepares, communicates and reviews Business application KPI's and defines accordingly continuous improvement plans of processes, procedures and systems to meet the IT department and the Company's objectives.
8. Provides strategic consultancy support to customers in defining or designing business processes and researching and identifying enabling technologies based on customer requirements.






COFICAB Group是一家在电缆电线设计、制造和销售方面的Leading Global企业,是ELLOUMI Group的成员,由Hichem ELLOUMI先生创立于1992年。科斐凯博集团业务遍及全球,在4个大洲和14个国家,共设有17个生产基地,14个销售办公室,3个研发中心,员工总数超过7500人。我们的使命是为明日的汽车技术不断创新线缆产品,为客户提供具有竞争力和革新性的解决方案。在质量方面做到BEST,同时保证充分尊重健康、安全和环境要求。成为BEST雇主和股东信赖的合作伙伴。我们的愿景是成为汽车线缆行业领域内BEST合作伙伴,致力于超越客户期望,凭借扩大全球市场占有率、追求技术和EXCELLENT、分享价值观和成功经验以专注持续成长。科斐恺博线缆科技(天津)有限公司成立于2021年,位于天津市武清区京滨工业园古旺路39号,投资2600万欧元,厂房及研发楼面积22400平方米。公司主要产品为汽车数据线,并设立全球第四个研发中心。