更新于 2月8日

Quality Processes/Product Supervisor (质量主管)

  • 天津武清区
  • 5-10年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人



Assures the well application of Auto Control Plan by performing audits, Test
and Verification plans by sampling according to the predefined frequencies.
Reviews and analyzes obtained results.

2. Identifies and isolates nonconforme semi-finished and finished goods.
Conducts nonconformity root causes analysis, identifies and undertakes
necessary actions and containment plan to avoid nonconformity recurrence.

3. Follows up all the activities related to rework process. Conducts root
causes analysis defaults , proposes and undertakes necessary actions and
containment plan.

4. Oversees process control and daily audit activities and assures the well
application of the appropriate process/product parameters according to the
predefined instructions and process audit check list.

5. Conducts process parameters deviation root causes analysis, manages
deviation requests for process parameters changement if needed and undertakes
necessary actions and containment plans.

6. Reviews and analyzes obtained results. Proposes and implements immediate
corrective actions by deploying Fast Problem Solving technics and follows up
its realization status and effectiveness. Monitors shift product control

7. "Assures the well keeping of test equipments and the organisation and
cleaness of the work areas under 5S standard, while respecting defined flows,
locations and storage conditions.

Plans, prepares, communicates and reviews Quality KPI's and defines accordingly
continuous improvement plans of processes, procedures and systems to meet the
Quality Department and the Company's objectives. "

8. Stops the production in case of non conformity and takes approriate
decisions according to the non coformity product treatment procedure.
Participates on the Recruitments and Develops a high performing Quality Team.
Complies with the Quality and EHS Systems requirements. Complies with corporate
values, code of conducts and non disclosure agreement.





COFICAB Group是一家在电缆电线设计、制造和销售方面的Leading Global企业,是ELLOUMI Group的成员,由Hichem ELLOUMI先生创立于1992年。科斐凯博集团业务遍及全球,在4个大洲和14个国家,共设有17个生产基地,14个销售办公室,3个研发中心,员工总数超过7500人。我们的使命是为明日的汽车技术不断创新线缆产品,为客户提供具有竞争力和革新性的解决方案。在质量方面做到BEST,同时保证充分尊重健康、安全和环境要求。成为BEST雇主和股东信赖的合作伙伴。我们的愿景是成为汽车线缆行业领域内BEST合作伙伴,致力于超越客户期望,凭借扩大全球市场占有率、追求技术和EXCELLENT、分享价值观和成功经验以专注持续成长。科斐恺博线缆科技(天津)有限公司成立于2021年,位于天津市武清区京滨工业园古旺路39号,投资2600万欧元,厂房及研发楼面积22400平方米。公司主要产品为汽车数据线,并设立全球第四个研发中心。