岗位职责 / Responsibilities:
You can communicate with customers in a basic foreign language, and be responsible for the feedback and tracking of online payment platform disputes
* 对客户的外语投诉进行调查和处理,根据买卖家提交的证据公平公正的解决纠纷;
Investigate and deal with customer complaints and settle disputes fairly and impartially based on the evidence submitted by both buyers and sellers
* 对客户的外语邮件和英文书面反馈进行回复;
Respond to customer's foreign language mail and French written feedback
* 以及订单处理的相关工作,负责电子商务平台网站各项目的网络推广宣传。
Orders processing related work, responsible for e-commerce platform, website promotion of all projects
任职要求 / Job Requirement:
* 本科及以上学历,能够使用word、excel等办公软件;
Bachelor degree or above,Skilled in using word, Excel and other office software.
* 做事认真,负责,能在压力下保持良好的工作状态;
Serious,responsible and able to work well under pressure.
* 有良好的客户服务意识及沟通,判断能力,处理网络纠纷及解决纠纷的能力;
You need a good sense of customer service and communication, judgment, ability to handle network disputes and resolve disputes.
* 具有团队合作精神,积极有效的配合各部门进行工作;
Team work spirit, actively and effectively cooperate with all departments.
* 英语六级、专业英语四级或同等级以上水平,尤其是读写能力,能够准确领会国外买家的意思,熟练的运用外语回复国外买家的邮件,口语能力较好,发音准确;
TEM-4 or above CET-6 level.In particular, reading and writing ability, can accurately understand the meaning of foreign buyers, skilled in the use of foreign language reply to foreign buyers of mail, good oral ability, accurate pronunciation.
* 需接受12月份几天夜班
For a few nights in December
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