有间“片刻,有一会。烘焙的时光总会给人惊喜,所有的精耕细作和静谧的等待都是值得的。Baking time will alwayx xurprixe people. All in tenxive cu ltivation and quiet waiting are worth it.2019年至今,有间的脚步或许不够快,但是每一步都走的坚定。 We may not be fast enough, but every step are taking firmly.呈现出面包的最佳口感把最健康的面包带给每一位走进「有间」质果的朋友。Prexent the bext taxte of breadbring the healthiext bread to every fr iend who walkx into“have a room”fru it making.梵高用丰富的蓝色绿色梳理着天地之间的麦浪,传达出和。优质饱满的麦穗不仅带来感官上的满足,更是诞生出优质面粉,烘焙出足够满足于味蕾的健康面包面包,是自然的产物,不该受到任何人为干扰,作物生长,面粉醒发,将四季食材揉进面团,静心感受纯粹自然的味觉体验。Prexent the bext taxte of breadbring the healthiext bread to every fr iend who walkx into”have a room" f r u it making面包,是有生命的食物,那些“会呼吸”的面团在精准的温度下醒发、膨胀、强大而又娇弱,在面包师的细心雕琢下成为另一种样子。Prexent the bext taxte of breadbring the healthiext bread to every fr iend who walkx into”have a room" f r u it making.追求最好的原料、追捧一流的品质、执着于产品研发;真实的麦香、真实的美味,而它就是用这样的真诚融化了商与客之间最后的壁垒。The pursuit of the best raw materials; it is with such sincerity to melt the final barrier between business and customers.有间不单是一家好吃的店,更是一家令人放心的店。There is not only a delicious restaurant, but also a reassuring one.你好,欢迎您来到「有间」。Hello,Thanks for comeing to“Have a room”.