We are a service-oriented company based in Tian Jin that specializes in providing professional tax, accounting ,corporate consulting, and administrative support services to a diverse of enterprises located in overseas.
• Responsible for processing and categorising clients' daily transactions. This includes allocating appropriate chart of account for income, expenses, and accounts payable/receivable
• Assist in preparing client payroll, ensuring accurate calculations for salaries, withholding taxes etc
• Assist in preparing monthly, quarterly and annually tax forms for clients, ensuring accurate dealing of tax-related transaction data, including GST etc
• Assist in preparing of annual financial statement report, including but limited to profit and loss statement, trial balance, depreciation schedule, dividend schedule, etc
• Administrative support, including email preparation, dealing with client’s tax issues, document filing etc
Skills and Experience:
• Minimum 5 years’ experience in a public accounting practice, with a sound accounting and taxation knowledge, and a background in professional services
• Excellent English communications skills in written and reading are essential
• Relevant degree qualification and the desire to further Accounting studies
• Excellent time management skills and the ability to prioritise and work under pressure
• Well presented with a keen sense of attention to detail
• Confident and strategic, with an enthusiastic, positive and energetic attitude to work
• Work with a diverse client base.
• Be involved in range of work that will strengthen your technical skills and abilities.
• Work closely with the director.
• Be offered external and internal training to develop your technical knowledge and expertise.
• Work and life balance
1. 日常账务处理: 负责为客户的日常交易进行账务处理和分类,并为每一笔交易分配合适的会计科目。包括收入、支出、应收应付账款的核算。
2. 税务数据整理与申报支持: 协助整理税务相关的交易数据,如增值税的计算与处理,并确保按时准确提交税务相关报告和支付应缴税款。
3. 工资单编制与员工工资预扣税处理: 协助客户处理员工工资的核算,工资单准备以及薪酬中工资预扣税款的核算,确保员工税费,养老金等计算准确。
4. 月度和季度报表编制:整理和编制客户的月度和季度报表。
5. 年度财务报表编制: 根据客户提供的数据,整理相关信息并完成年度财务和税务申报的支持工作。
6. 撰写英文邮件总结报告: 根据固定的模板,撰写英文邮件,向客户汇报税务申报和财务处理的结果。
1. 学历要求: 会计、金融或相关专业大专及以上学历。
2. 经验要求:
- 有在外企、会计事务所, 审计处理日常账务、报税及报表编制的经验,
- 熟悉财务数据分类与科目编码,能够精确处理收入、支出和税务相关的交易,具备编制财务报表的能力。
- 熟悉为客户处理税务申报工作,如增值税、企业所得税、个人所得税等,具备良好的税务合规意识。
3. 语言要求: 可以用英语作为工作语言,外企经验及英语工作环境者优先。
4. 技能要求:
- 熟练使用财务软件如用友、金蝶,并有较强的学习能力,能够快速适应新的财务软件。
- 熟练使用Excel等办公软件,能够处理财务数据并编制报表。
- 有较强的财务分析能力,能够整理、分类和分析大量财务数据。
5. 个人素质:
- 工作细致,具备强烈的责任心,能够独立处理客户的账务和税务工作。
- 注重时间管理,能够在多个客户任务之间高效切换,按时提交工作成果。
- 薪资根据经验和技能面议。
- 五险一金。八小时工作日加双休。
- 提供相关财务培训机会,提升跨境财务处理能力